tools at AR...

pullinbig said:
some are more sensitive to BA than others. 5% ba never bothered me but others have great pain at that %. ba is harmles othe rthan discomfort for some. good water soluable solvent/preservative.

I had major pain (one tubby, tubby) from my 50ml jug of Qv 250 before I learned how to get beyond the pain. Any idea what the BA content is in that stuff?
RJH8541 said:
I had major pain (one tubby, tubby) from my 50ml jug of Qv 250 before I learned how to get beyond the pain. Any idea what the BA content is in that stuff?
Its gotta be high as hell. QV enan (50ml jug) was the most painful shit Ive ever injected, worse than any prop ive made.
mex gear is notorious for high ba content. but just to proove a point the only infections i ever got were from mex gear that was full of ba. sort of shoots the sterility question in the foot dont it? itn was brovel testE 200.
DougoeFre5h said:
Its gotta be high as hell. QV enan (50ml jug) was the most painful shit Ive ever injected, worse than any prop ive made.

No shit. It took about six weeks of trying different things to figure out what to do to make it bearable. I'll never do that shit again. Although it has helped me gain 30lbs this year.