Tooth Ache on D-bol. Abcess? Please help.


New member
Alright, i have been on d-bol for about 4 days now, i have a really bad toothache, gumache, i've been up all night, and im waiting to go to the dentist to see that the fuck is wrong with me in a couple hours. It started the first day i took dbol but was minor, got worse as time passed on, now my whole gums on one side of my mouth is swollen and thumping with pain, i think i have abcess. Fuck, theres so much pain i just want to die right now so it goes away. I wouldnt think dbol would cause this but then again it causes headaches. anyone experience anything like this?
It prob hurts little. This is from not taking care of your teeth. When was the last time you had your teeth cleaned ( Prophylaxis ). Your going to go to the dentist, they will give your antibiotics then your prob going to need a good old fashioned Root Canal and then a Crown. This will only set you back about $2000.00.

If you want to take the Cheap was out you can always have it pulled for about $100.00.

I am not saying I am a Dentist, but this is prob what will happen.


Good Day.
yeah, my gums are still hurting a little but its going away, just takes some time. thanks for caring though
Sowas it just infection. What did the dentist tell you?