I'm 21 , 165 lbs and trained for 3 years , did 2 cycles, i m gonna do a 8 week cycle :
1-6 or 8: Triumph 40mg/day
1-8 : Derma trest 50mg/day
6-8 : Derma tren 120mg/day
Cycle assist : NAC 600mg + 3x liv52.
PCT : clomid 100/50/50/25 , nolva 20/20/10/10 , DAA 3/3/3/3 , and maybe small dose of letro/arimidex .
I've started it today , my question is : is the tren at end cycle a good idea? i know trest will make me bloat since it's wet , and my goal is to be lean end cycle , that's why i thought of tren , and my main goal is to gain strengh too.
I'm 21 , 165 lbs and trained for 3 years , did 2 cycles, i m gonna do a 8 week cycle :
1-6 or 8: Triumph 40mg/day
1-8 : Derma trest 50mg/day
6-8 : Derma tren 120mg/day
Cycle assist : NAC 600mg + 3x liv52.
PCT : clomid 100/50/50/25 , nolva 20/20/10/10 , DAA 3/3/3/3 , and maybe small dose of letro/arimidex .
I've started it today , my question is : is the tren at end cycle a good idea? i know trest will make me bloat since it's wet , and my goal is to be lean end cycle , that's why i thought of tren , and my main goal is to gain strengh too.