Training lower back .... for correctional purposes


New member
I need an opinion here . Lower back has always been the one part of the body i have never realy gotten too or incorporated into my routine . I used to work a hard labour job (roofing) in which i was hunched over all day . It took a bit or a toll on my lower back . For this reason i never used to train lower back, with the idea that i was always using it , and didnt want to hurt it . But now im realizing , my bigger upper frame may be putting alot of strain on my lower .

What do u guys believe about correctional training ... Do you think starting to train and strengthen my lower back can help it to feel better ? Strengthen lower back to support upper body wait = less back pain ?

*** some mornings my back is so damn tight i can hardly bend over to put my socks on (especially in bad weather) .... this makes me fear and wonder if training it will tighten the muscles even more and make it worse .
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Actually, even though I'm not a huge proponent for it, abdominal work will help you considerably - taking some of the strain off your back. I do however recommend back extensions nice and slow to increase stability in the spinal erectors. :)

My .02c :)
Whenever my low back gets real tight, I make concerted efforts to stretch my hand and glutes. Seems to help quits a bit
I agree with halfwit, I wouldnt necessarily say direct abdominal work though as that might worsen the symptoms but, strengthen your core, without a doubt. Planks are a great way to do that. Toes on floor forearms on floor and hold for one minute and do sets of these increasing time and angles and all that good stuff. I would also HIGHLY recommend watching this video and actually doing what he demonstrates in it. It has helped my lower back A LOT. Credit goes to BigBen for showing me this. Check it out...
