Training on the Warrior Diet.


New member
Seriously considering the warrior diet. Anyone have any experience with this? Also would 5x5 be okay to do along side it or is there a specific program to follow?
Basically in a nutshell. You eat very little for 20 hours (say 500kcal) and then at night you have a 4 hour window where you feast and get the majority of your food in during these hours.

It's supposed to be the best way for humans as Hunter/Gatherers to eat. Going on the principle the for hundreds of years humans have been set in there way of marching, travelling, fighting and at the end of the day refuelling by banquet (Feast) for the march and battles of the day ahead.

It's apparently due to the binge eating o the modern world why the obesity rate is so high our bodies haven't adapted to this style of eating and is still in hunter/gatherer mode so the theory is if we go back to that style our bodies can adjust easily.

I've always been one for set meals throughout the day. But I read an article on this and to be honest from it's success stories I'm sucked in and tempted to five it a shot. Js need a good base program to work with it.
dude ran this for a few months and it was pretty cool! lots of energy, especially durring the day due to the underfeed meals! plus if u read the book, which i hve in pdf (hint) it will def help u see that u can eat different proteins with the underfeed eals and such!

my late trainer over at (wes) RIP!

released his own book and his own version of the diet that also included bcaa's thruought the day to help maintain muscle...

it was a pretty nice change not having to try to carry around meals and shit like that! very easy, except i work 3pm-1130pm and did not have the time for the full FEAST of 4-5 hours! it called for!

let me know if u need any other info!

glad to see someone jumping on this diet... i liked it, but its not for everone
Cheers bud.

I'm liking the idea of bcaa's throughout the day. I was js gonna have a whey shake with some nuts to try a stay anabolic. I'm still at early days with the read up of this, if you have a template of your diet you did that would be a great help js to see if I'm on the right track.

Fasting Kcal: 544

1/2 Growth Factor 50 Bar

1 scoop Whey. 12.5g Almonds. BCAA

1 scoop Whey. 12.5g Almonds. BCAA

FEAST Kcal: 1144
200g Brown Rice
350g Chicken
100g Spanish Sauce
1/2. Growth Factor 50 Bar
2 Scoops of Whey

Is this on the right track?

Protein: 231g Carbs: 101g Fats: 39g
Macros: P55% C24% F21%
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Cheers bud.

I'm liking the idea of bcaa's throughout the day. I was js gonna have a whey shake with some nuts to try a stay anabolic. I'm still at early days with the read up of this, if you have a template of your diet you did that would be a great help js to see if I'm on the right track.

Fasting Kcal: 544

1/2 Growth Factor 50 Bar

1 scoop Whey. 12.5g Almonds. BCAA

1 scoop Whey. 12.5g Almonds. BCAA

FEAST Kcal: 1144
200g Brown Rice
350g Chicken
100g Spanish Sauce
1/2. Growth Factor 50 Bar
2 Scoops of Whey

Is this on the right track?

Protein: 231g Carbs: 101g Fats: 39g
Macros: P55% C24% F21%

Keep us posted how it goes, Don't think I personally would ever try it, I guess it has some interesting principles behind it, but I cant go an hr without behind hungry so i'm all set.

btw what the hell is spanish suace??
I think if you're going to go with this, you would be better served eliminating the whey shakes and replacing with lean meat. Keep your almonds, but your body will respond better with real food as opposed to replacing that much of your protein intake with whey. The warriors didn't wander around drinking protein shakes, but they'd have munched on smoked/preserved meat as it was available during the semi-fast and then eaten real food during the feast. Looking at your macros and plan, if you're doing 4 scoops of whey (let's say an average scoop is 25g of protein), then 100g's of your 231g's of protein is coming from shakes and not "food". I'm not trying to knock your plan, but you'd very likely succeed and yield better results eliminating so many shakes.
Also if the premise is hunter/gatherer, where are your veggies? They wpuld have eaten veggies as they were available.
Just my .02
I think if you're going to go with this, you would be better served eliminating the whey shakes and replacing with lean meat. Keep your almonds, but your body will respond better with real food as opposed to replacing that much of your protein intake with whey. The warriors didn't wander around drinking protein shakes, but they'd have munched on smoked/preserved meat as it was available during the semi-fast and then eaten real food during the feast. Looking at your macros and plan, if you're doing 4 scoops of whey (let's say an average scoop is 25g of protein), then 100g's of your 231g's of protein is coming from shakes and not "food". I'm not trying to knock your plan, but you'd very likely succeed and yield better results eliminating so many shakes.
Also if the premise is hunter/gatherer, where are your veggies? They wpuld have eaten veggies as they were available.
Just my .02

haha! yeah in the book, he says u can have chicken, durring the underfeed meals, just not alot,
Cheers bud.

I'm liking the idea of bcaa's throughout the day. I was js gonna have a whey shake with some nuts to try a stay anabolic. I'm still at early days with the read up of this, if you have a template of your diet you did that would be a great help js to see if I'm on the right track.

Fasting Kcal: 544

1/2 Growth Factor 50 Bar

1 scoop Whey. 12.5g Almonds. BCAA

1 scoop Whey. 12.5g Almonds. BCAA

FEAST Kcal: 1144
200g Brown Rice
350g Chicken
100g Spanish Sauce
1/2. Growth Factor 50 Bar
2 Scoops of Whey

Is this on the right track?

Protein: 231g Carbs: 101g Fats: 39g
Macros: P55% C24% F21%


i ate like this:

3 underfeed meals consisting of
cottage cheese
almonds or walnuts

(he suggests greek yogurt but that stuff to me is horrible,)

just a note:


salad or huge plate/bowl of veggies
my feast was any kind of meat at 1 lb
some carbs but not alot

and sometimes ice cream, or a some junk food!

yes its possible to do this and still loose weight on this diet!

here are some awesome threads from my late trainers website,


The Warrior Diet Discussion Thread - Iron Addicts Forums

Warrior Diet - Iron Addicts Forums

More Warrior Diet - Iron Addicts Forums

Is anyone using the Warrior Diet the "massing" way? - Iron Addicts Forums

Cheers for all the help guys n gals al get my reading cap on n hit these threads. Chances are al be back with more quarions :)
During the Feasting segment of the diet if it's within a 4hr window do you spread the meal throughout that time or is it okay to demolish it all at once. Js yesterday I ate the majority of it within an hour and kinda snacked for the remaining 3. But found 2-3 hrs later I was feeling hungry again. Is this normal? Do I js need to ignore the hunger?
During the Feasting segment of the diet if it's within a 4hr window do you spread the meal throughout that time or is it okay to demolish it all at once. Js yesterday I ate the majority of it within an hour and kinda snacked for the remaining 3. But found 2-3 hrs later I was feeling hungry again. Is this normal? Do I js need to ignore the hunger?

eat until satisfied, if possible, then u can go back the next hour to eat more from ur feast!

thats why u have the 4 hour window, just take ur total cals and devide them up so u get a certain amount each of the hours, and blammo! u gotz it covered!

in the end it all depends on ur calories that u are trying to hit for the feast and thru out the underfeed meals!
So for example if I was to have 500kcal during fast and 2000kcal during feast broke into 4 500kcal meals that would be okay?

Cheers for the help.
I think if you're going to go with this, you would be better served eliminating the whey shakes and replacing with lean meat.
What if I added whey to 100g cottage cheese? That with the almonds would come to 232:Kcal 30:Pro 7:Carb 9:Fats per fasting meal. Dya reckon this is a good fasting meal?
What if I added whey to 100g cottage cheese? That with the almonds would come to 232:Kcal 30:Pro 7:Carb 9:Fats per fasting meal. Dya reckon this is a good fasting meal?

you have a sick obsession with whey my dont you just have the cottage cheese? its full of protein anyways
Lol you may be right there. I was js thinking it be a good combo of slow and fast proteins. But don't wanna make the meal too big during the fasting phase, maybe a limit of 500-600kcal
What if I added whey to 100g cottage cheese? That with the almonds would come to 232:Kcal 30:Pro 7:Carb 9:Fats per fasting meal. Dya reckon this is a good fasting meal?

Personally, I love cottage cheese. I think the biggest thing is eating real food while on the warrior diet, not the shakes (which you seem to be moving away from).

I can just picture it now:

"I am Sparticus!"

"No! I am Sparticus!"

"Oh, hey bro, can I grab a scoop of your strawberry? I'm all out of double rich chocolate."

Anyway, just sayin' get your protein from food as much as you can. I imagine you'll feel fuller during the fast with food.

How's the plan going so far? I'm interested to read about your progress and how you're feeling (energy levels during workouts).

It's early days mate but I've lost 3lbs in 3 days which is probs a combo of water loss (even tho im drinking like a fish to curb the hunger) and digestive cleansing. Energy is feeling okay considering, having a cold which usually strikes me down where I stand. But deffo feeling better seems easier getting up in a morning and if I have a coffee I'm absolutely buzzing, can't imagine what phed would feel like I'd probs take off. Lol
So I've been on the diet 5 days now and have dropped about 4lbs. Dunno if this is okay but on an evening I couldn't eat anymore food, I'm eating more than I usually would. Is this degree if weightloss expected on this diet during this scale of time? Still feeling good, energy is still there so I'd guess all is okay.
So I've been on the diet 5 days now and have dropped about 4lbs. Dunno if this is okay but on an evening I couldn't eat anymore food, I'm eating more than I usually would. Is this degree if weightloss expected on this diet during this scale of time? Still feeling good, energy is still there so I'd guess all is okay.

i believe in the book, he says something about the first few pounds being water weight ?

could be wrong, but i think he says this?