Just finished reading his book the other day and found it really interesting.
I am giving it a shot (this is my first day), but am a little worried about being able to maintain enough calories to grow.
Last time I tried to do some serious lean bulking 3J had me on 3300-3500 calories a day spread between like 6 meals. It was a crapload a food, but manageable.
I was plugging numbers into fitday to figure out what kind of feasting I would need to do in order to catch up from the day of circa 500 calorie eating and I have to admit I am a bit concerned. There is little chance I could eat that much! I figured out a pound of steak, a large sweet potato, a large spinach salad, 2 cups of rice, 2cups of brocolli and a whey shake as a feast meal would still leave me round 1500 calories short for the day! That's an entire second feast after my first feast!
I rally want to give it a shot and will still try and stick with it for a few weeks, but with eating clean it seems hard to make up that daytime calorie deficit, unless I'm missing something.