Training on the Warrior Diet.

ALWAYS WENT THE COTTAGE CHEESE AND BLUEBERRY ROUTE! awesome taste and would throw down some almonds or walnuts along with it!!
I would lean toward water weight loss also. 4lbs of fat in 5 days would be pretty remarkable.

You feeling good? Feel like beheading anyone and placing thier head on a stake and burning their hut?
J/K! Enjoy your feast!
Yeah could do with kicking a pesian into a pit lol. Was more concerned with muscleloss but I'm fine with the thought of water loss. :)
Just finished reading his book the other day and found it really interesting.

I am giving it a shot (this is my first day), but am a little worried about being able to maintain enough calories to grow.

Last time I tried to do some serious lean bulking 3J had me on 3300-3500 calories a day spread between like 6 meals. It was a crapload a food, but manageable.

I was plugging numbers into fitday to figure out what kind of feasting I would need to do in order to catch up from the day of circa 500 calorie eating and I have to admit I am a bit concerned. There is little chance I could eat that much! I figured out a pound of steak, a large sweet potato, a large spinach salad, 2 cups of rice, 2cups of brocolli and a whey shake as a feast meal would still leave me round 1500 calories short for the day! That's an entire second feast after my first feast!

I rally want to give it a shot and will still try and stick with it for a few weeks, but with eating clean it seems hard to make up that daytime calorie deficit, unless I'm missing something.
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Took a while to get up and running, but I am finishing up the first week on the Warrior diet.
I'm loving not worrying about food all day (other than my berries, yogurt,and BCAA).

So far feeling good, weight is holding steady, and am already noticeably leaning out. The trick will be to see if the leaning out is due to calorie deficit or the change of eating routine. I figure if I start shedding weight I'll have my answer pretty quickly.
I've had a couple of weight fluctuations but seem to be levelling out now. Looking like 5lbs down in 2weeks. Good times.
Crap, down 9 lbs so far since starting the Warrior Diet.

I love the leanness and the freedom from multiple meals during the day, but I did not start at a weight that I wanted to shave 9 lbs off of.

Maybe this is not gonna work for me.