I don't think its any big secret since I saw that Fonz has posted on AF that he is now using it. Supra labs is producing the product, 100 mgs./ml. in 20 ml. bottles.
As I recall it was somewhat pricey, which doesn't surprise me given that it is a unique product. I think Fonz listed the price on the thread at anabolicfitness, you could check it out.
it will cost about $150 average, for 2 grams. Thats a bit pricey, but not only that, it would require 5cc's for an injection once a week to get approximately 71mg/day of tren. Thats a bit much, plus you gotta factor in that you will most likely be doing at least 2 cc's of test and maybe another 2cc's of another drug. That is a alot, why not just go with acetate?
i am curious to see the results, mainly because it resembles parabolan, and an amp a day was considered a pro amount. That is less tren than most of us shoot. Their are definately differences in how test suspension and test enanthate affect people, i want to see if the tren enanthate will resemble the negma para. I would also like to hear some feedback from all the old farts who used real para back in the day and what their results were.
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