Transaderm or HcGenerate


New member
Well im getting my next cycle ready and i don't know if i should get another Transaderm or would HcGenerate work better as a Test Base of a Helladrol cycle?
if you already have a bottle of transderm adding forma staznol with it will really make it shine.

Topical DHEA will convert to estrogen a good bit, so using a Aromatase inhibitor (AI) while on the transderm (topical DHEA) will keep it converting to tes.

So if you have 1 bottle you have 60 days @ 5 pumps a day, add 3 pumps of forma am/pm.

than your GTG
I would run the transaderm and formastanzol on cycle and save the hcgenerate for wont be disappointed.
Hcgenerate is not a test base

Transaderm is what you need.. It actually converts to androgens and testosterone through dehydrogenase enzymes on the skin
Hcgenerate is not a test base

Transaderm is what you need.. It actually converts to androgens and testosterone through dehydrogenase enzymes on the skin

This is correct. Transaderm is what you need to run as a test base.

HCGenerate can be ran on cycle to minimize/reduce shutdown however
i think you can see the consensus here is to run transaderm and i just want to say i completely agree with all the great knowledge posted in this thread... you hands down want to run transaderm here, combined with forma and your straight killin it bro! to me, this is a no brainer... save hcgenerate for pct...