transdermal prohormones


New member
is dermabolics any good? its trandermal, and it contains 100mg
1-test/100mg 4-ad, per serving(30 servings) it seems cheaper(32.00) and i hear it use to be owned by avantlabs, but they sold the rights to dermabolics. i was thinking of trying it on my next cycle...
dude , i swear i am not advertising, i have been comparing t-1- pro to this dermabolics, the problem is i have never heard of dremabolics, or there products, that is way i am asking. i was also weary because it is so cheap, it seems to good to be true, t-1 looks good, and has twice the servings, but about half the potency of s+1(derma..) and a hefty price tag.
ive never tried the dermabolics. but ive had great success with t-1 pro. i would reccomend it to any one. in fact im a real cycle and i am using my t-1 pro till week 3 to kick start my results. im very impressed with it. great strength gains, noticable size gains. no sides for me.

and im a hard believer. just check out my posts like "all supplements are worthless" and "what really gets to me".... there my greatest hits.
thats sounds great, i just finished a 4-week cycle of 1-ad, i got greeaat strength gains, its hard to tell what size gains i got out of it since i just finished, my cycle 3 days ago, but the scale tells me 6 lbs, wther the gains stay is a whole other question, do you think it is safe to start a cycle of dermabolics stuff? or should wait a month or so before i begin?
well its all mild to me. but i would wait two weeks. take some 6 oxo or whatever. and than start a transdermal cycle. and i would still go with bdc. sorry to spam them so much but they really impressed me man. but good luck with whatever u decide to do.