Trap training advice...

i guess i should add rack deads...that's alot of weight for reps. do them every week and get back to me in a month and tell me your traps aren't bigger.

Ok, been doing deads for some time now. Doing a 5x5 routine; warm up with 135 for 10-15, then 225, 275, 295, 315, 315.

Also doing DB shrugs on shoulder day for 3x10 with 110's...

My traps seam to be thicker, but not much taller. Going for this look...

I'm definitely getting stronger as most of my weights have increased, especially my pull downs and rows. Military press is starting to take off too. I read Dr. Franco Columbos' book on nutrition a few weeks back. After changing my diet based on that info; I have more energy wich makes me feel stronger too. Also finally starting to get those cuts where I used to never get.

Anyway, suggestions?
Upright rows I cannot even do anymore unless they are light enough for a toddler. My shrug work is half the weight I used to use and never barbell (weight is forward), I only use the machine now and again has to be very light so its never to failure. In other words shrugging motions messed up my shoulder/neck area pretty badly after at one point working with as much as 600 on the barbell for my reps.

About a year ago I was feeling good so I bumped my weight on my incline flies a bit heavier than I should have, and coming down I pulled my shoulder and felt a click. Ever since then not only do flies hurt, but I have trouble upright rowing. You never learn until you hurt yourself, but when you do, it's enough to make you rethink the way you train.
I don't really do flys, I'm more of a compound heavy movement guy. I might throw in a set or two of something light, but never much liked flys or cable crossover kinda work, very rare.
I don't like flies that much, but I like cable crossover shit. I get the most insane pump from crossovers, my pecs hurt like fuck when I flex them after. It's a wonderful feeling.
right technique

There is no way your traps are that strong if your using the right technique and your doing deads at 365 lbs.