tren 450 wk for fat burning at max

My first cycle was tren only, 200-300mg week will do nothing, body doesnt respond anymore. But i just don't know what a fuck i'm doing, i get the substance and inject. I'm looking for some advice becouse brazilian forums are fucked, they have rules to take whey protein, my god fuck off.
When i got to 7% was tren only and salbutamol, of course my endocrinal system is fucked but i don't care.
The first pin was today with the workout, i need advice to get maximum results from this cycle, not critics . From your experience , what is the best way to get this fat burn fast, i'm really motivated just need some advice of experience users for maximum results

You NEED testosterone! Even 100mg/wk will suffice,or else you'll shut down your metabolism and have a very difficult time doing much of ANYTHING.

Please read (I know it's harder due to language) the link below. It has a TON of information that will be VERY helpful to you.

Now to the tren; you're definitely not feeling it yet as it takes between 2 to 6 weeks before it has built up in your body. Your awesome workout was purely all YOU, nothing more. :)

Please do yourself a favor, get test and an AI and do this right. Tren by itself is like an ice cream cone - without the cone. ;)

Edit: I forgot that you stated you had test prop too. You're running that too, yes?