Tren a crashing


New member
4950mg powder 2&20
21.78ml GSO
6.6ml BB
.6ml BA
Yield 33 ml at 150mg/ml

No EO too scared (reaction) I brought BA&BB up to temp added powder mixed in beaker placed in pan of boiling water until all clear then added preheated oil. Filtered and filter was definitely clogged at the end because the last 10 cc took 4 times as long as the first 20 (.22 syringe filter)

Heat and refilter? or what?
how is it that you have powder in MG? its by weight and that is in GRAMS

You should be able to filter 80 or so ML from a .22 filter, your powder obviously has lots of contaminants in it. You could pre-filter this with a .45 then the .22, its more work but better product in your case. Or change your powder source.

I am having some issues with your calculations. Steroid powder calculator cant get the same numbers you have, no matter what I play with.
Did you use a calculator to get the numbers?

You might have some water in the mix from the pan, my test vial came out cloudy on my last batch. I heated it at 350 for 20 minutes and let it cool all ok.

Try and just heat it up and see if that fixes it.

What was the temp of the stuff when were cooking it?
What was the temp when you filtered it?
how is it that you have powder in MG? its by weight and that is in GRAMS

You should be able to filter 80 or so ML from a .22 filter, your powder obviously has lots of contaminants in it. You could pre-filter this with a .45 then the .22, its more work but better product in your case. Or change your powder source.

I am having some issues with your calculations. Steroid powder calculator cant get the same numbers you have, no matter what I play with.
Did you use a calculator to get the numbers?

You might have some water in the mix from the pan, my test vial came out cloudy on my last batch. I heated it at 350 for 20 minutes and let it cool all ok.

Try and just heat it up and see if that fixes it.

What was the temp of the stuff when were cooking it?
What was the temp when you filtered it?

Filtered fine when I had EO in the first batch and no crashing.
I used RJ's calc in the sticky and Steroid Powder calculator
Both calcs came up same
4950mg(1st calculator requires it in mg not g)=4.95g
Got oil up to @200F at mixing not sure about BA&BB just take the beaker with solvent and powder and swirl it in boiling water until all clear.
water vapor is possible will heat at 350 for 20min and see

using .8 for powder weight btw
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Using your numbers above and the calculator from your link, for 33ml solution @ 150mg/ml I get 22.03ml oil. Although I doubt that little difference in oil would cause this to happen
Sounds the same as I do mine, I suspect water from the vapor in your pan.

Bake at 350 20m see how it does, you can monitor it and see if it turns clear.
Should be clear at about 220 or so. Let it cool natural dont try and cool it faster.
Yeah threw it in the oven at 350 for 20 mins and took a shower got out and almost had an issue. The damn vent pin melted and closed off (no vent) put new pin in and lots of pressure released... whew!
Its clear as a bell right now just like it was when I first filtered it into the sterile vial.
Letting it cool and waiting to see.

Yes 22.03 if using .75 (75%) as the powder weight I was using .80 (80%) I'm sure that's not the problem. I'm betting its the water vapor as last time I used a 100ml serum vial (smaller opening) and this time I used a beaker.
Thanks for the good info guys just hoping I don't have to add EO to get the 150mg/ml to hold
I always use a beaker but dont let the water boil, just keep it on about a 2.5 on my stove, if it gets so the vapor is condensing on my glass beaker, i turn it off.

I also never go above 150F on my solution.

Just out of curiosity what did you brew?
100mg/ml (33ml batch) Test Prop
150mg/ml (33ml batch) Tren A

Just doing small batches to get everything down pat
Just curious why you guys use water to heat your solution? I can see if you have the coil type burner but a pan would fix that. Also, tren is a dirty powder to begin with, you'll go through double of what you normally do with filters.
Just curious why you guys use water to heat your solution? I can see if you have the coil type burner but a pan would fix that. Also, tren is a dirty powder to begin with, you'll go through double of what you normally do with filters.

I have been thinking the same thing .... since I am new to all this I have been just following other's lead but the only possible advantage that I see with water is that it heats around the beaker as well as beneath it heating it quicker? IDK gonna try it dry next time
hey guys i need help with my tren cycle,
im 16 and a half looking to do a competition by 19,
im running tren tabs 25mg
1st week 1 a day
week 2 - week 6, 2 tabs a day
i have done my first week is the anything else i should run with it apart from test or is there a post cycle therapy (pct) i need?
hey guys i need help with my tren cycle,
im 16 and a half looking to do a competition by 19,
im running tren tabs 25mg
1st week 1 a day
week 2 - week 6, 2 tabs a day
i have done my first week is the anything else i should run with it apart from test or is there a pct i need?

Wow, did you actually read the forum titles before you posted in here? No where close to posted in the right
Tren A crashed again... hmmm
Overdid it on the dose? (150mg/ml)
I guess I can heat it up eod before a pinning? but that sucks.

Any suggestions?

BTW Douchbag Jarvis7 you are retarded for considering juice at 16 and You will be banned momentarily!! Your natural test should be off the charts and no one, I mean no one, has reached their natural peak at 16.
Tard :uzi:
hey guys i need help with my tren cycle,
im 16 and a half looking to do a competition by 19,
im running tren tabs 25mg
1st week 1 a day
week 2 - week 6, 2 tabs a day
i have done my first week is the anything else i should run with it apart from test or is there a pct i need?

for any further teens reading these threads this is a 18 and older forum . if you are using steroids at 16 years old you are a FOOL . steroids can close your growth plates and stunt your growth , not to mention screw up your natural test and cause a limp pecker which is a BAD BAD thing when your a teenager.
For future batches try just heating on the stove top, thats what I use. Water is too much trouble and not neccessary. I have a newer stove though but should work on older stoves also. Most the time brewing is done on hot plates alone.

As far as it crashing, have you double checked to make sure your ratios are perfect? I'm not sure if you stated, is it powder or fina? 150mg is a little high but it's been done many times. You just may need EO to hold in solution in that mg bro. What percent EO have you used before?
Okay bro!!! Here is what you need to do to fix that Tren A.
First know that Tren A is much harder to get to hold at higher doses than Test Prop. Prop is easier to get to hold at 150 than Tren A. And 150 with prop isn't a walk in the park.

If you can't use EO then forget about high doses from this point forward cause though possible..... very hard and climate has alot to do with it!

Always use your calculator on .75 except if you're having problems with your batch ALWAYS coming out MORE ml's than you need... Otherwise .75 is the marker for most!!!

Open up your gear and ADD:

5.65ml Oil
.17ml BA
6.60ml BB

This will put you at 120mg/ml and that will be lucky to hold without EO but I bet (as long as you haven't drastically changed things from what I have read) this will solve your problem.
If EO doesn't settle with you, get used to pinning more than 1cc in you injects and skip the high dosage shit cause it will cause you more headache in the long run!

Let us know how this comes out. Add the quantities I told you and make sure that when you're heating it up (same way you did before) SHAKE THE SHIT OUT OF IT MULTIPLE TIMES AS IT'S HEATED...