Tren Ace + Test Prop... gonna be mint

The simple sugars pump up the insulin levels.. You do it while doing cardio so it isn't stored incorrectly.. I throw in protein and sometimes creatine etc to take advantage of that window.. I mean.. It's kind of an old school principle but it works for me... Like the window of entering into ketosis holds for storage...if your muscles are fatigued beyond anything AND you are still keeping the heart and lungs pumping hard ass, your body will store these calories in the correct terms at hand..

This is getting to the crux of my point brother: any sugar or carb, heck even protein and BCCA's, will raise insulin levels. There's no benefit to 'spiking' them vs gradually raising them or vice versa, unless one is exogenously using insulin or diabetic/pre-diabetic. Also, the inclusion of protein with this meal means that you are not 'spiking' insulin levels, protein slows absorption and digestion of all carbs.

There are no magical windows, that stuff is all nonsense brother. There is no anabolic window, no post workout window, etc.

Also no matter if you ingest food while exercising or not, you have no control over how those macros get stored or used. None. You have absolutely no control over whether something is stored correctly or incorrectly. There is no such thing as correct storage or incorrect storage in the first place. Finally, cArbs do not get stored, in realistic scenarios, as anything. Carbs are oxidized for energy and converted to glucose. No storage for that macro.
Hi everyone,

So here goes - Day 1 of a 10 week cycle of Tren Acetate and Test Prop.
PCT: HCG, Clomid, Nolva
While I can't comment on the actual experiences with HCG, I can tell you that it is NOT part of a PCT. You should optimally be taking it while on the cycle as this will keep your testes from taking a nap.
On hand: Prami, Caber, Letro, Adex
Current weight 175
Height 5'6"
BF 10%
Age 23
Workout experience: many years of screwing around and 2 years of serious training


Deads 405x3
Bench 315x5
Squats 405x3 :(

Health problems: Thyroid problem (hereditary) currently working on figuring out the appropriate doses. Blood work always impresses the doctor (He really checks everything to find a problem)

Cycling experience: 1 Test 500/wk Deca 250/wk dbol 50mgs/day 8 weeks - 1 test 500/wk deca 400/wk - 1 test 500/wk e tren e 400/wk - and current

Blood work is done 4-5 times yearly, I have two private doctors both are aware of the supplements. Also got a cute little massage therapist that also does physio and kineaaasomethingoranother

Diet OK

Goals: at some point in time in my life I would like to have the physique of Franco Columbo. And then go from there.
I'd take a really good look at the bolded and underlined portions. As someone that has had an "ok" diet for a long time, it wasn't until I got very serious about it that I started to see the kind of results we all hope for when using AAS. I too have a similar goal, and I assure you that if you get that diet nailed down (3J is the man to consult btw) you will definitely see far greater results from your cycle.

Today was the first pin, pinned 150mgs of tren and 150mgs of test EOD for 10 weeks. Broken up into two separate injections. Considering adding in insulin 10iu in the morning and 10iu's PWO. My dad is diabetic and have about 10 different blood testing machines and cool smart pens for injecting. Insulin is also covered under our private insurance on top of the government subsidy (Canada) so the question of quality is not an issue also dirt cheap.

I'm sure I will get a lot of "you're young" "you're crazy" etc... Trust me I know I'm crazy and I'm aware of my age. But I don't think that theres many people that are in my position to do things the safe way.

Blood tests consist of the following:

-Sodium -Potassium -Chloride -Bicarbonate -Urea -Creatinine -Phosphorus -Calcium -Magnesium

-AC Glucose - Random Glucose -75g OGTT -HgB A1C

Liver Enzymes/Function


-TSH T4 -LH -Testosterone Total -Cortisol


Going to try and update every 2-3 days, will also get around to taking before and after pictures for the end. Will also post all the results of blood test before starting at 8 weeks and 10 weeks after the end of PCT.

If anyone wants to chime in concerning the insulin idea feel free!

I'd call you crazy and too young, but you know this and it's frankly too late given your history. Whatever you did to your HPTA is done and there's no use in bashing you for it. At least you are definitely approaching this from an angle of responsibility and informed decisions. For that I applaud you. :) Now to the insulin part of your post: I really don't think anyone that is NOT a professional or has aspirations of going pro should mess with the stuff. As a diabetic myself, I can tell you that going into hypoglycemia is absolutely scarier than anything I have EVER experienced with AAS. There have been some doozies such as tren cough, bending a pin in my quad, nicking a large blood vessel, hitting a nerve (done that a few times, d'oh!), abscess scares, stupid high estrogen, stupid low estrogen, having very high blood pressure, prolactin issues with my johnson, and a few more that I've probably blacked out due to trauma. :p Point is, you really don't want to mess with the stuff unless you are not only "needing" it, but have a VERY extensive amount of research done prior to picking it up. Having a glucose meter isn't enough; you need to be sure to know what to do and know what the early warning signs are that your blood sugar is about to take a dive.

It can most certainly kill you if you are not VERY careful with it. This is why it is pretty low on the risk vs. reward index in my humble opinion. You're a grown man, so obviously you can make up your mind for yourself, but I cannot emphasize just how careful you should be with such a potent hormone. That, and if your diet isn't 100% dialed in, you very well put yourself at risk for putting on extra fat due to the nutrient shuttling properties of insulin. I've yet to meet any insulin-dependent diabetics that didn't put fat on before they learned just how important it is to watch what they eat. ;)

Not gonna comment anything since I dont have that level of expertise yet, BUT... what does "kineaaasomethingoranother" mean?
I too was hoping it meant something naughty, but...
Probably tried saying kinesiologist
^ HAD TO RUIN IT. :mad:

I'm just going to pretend it is something 21 year old blonde massage therapists with porn goddess bodies do for an extra large tip. :D

My .02c :)

EDIT: OP, with that user name; you better get an awesome pic of WW up on there for your avi! :p
While I can't comment on the actual experiences with HCG, I can tell you that it is NOT part of a PCT. You should optimally be taking it while on the cycle as this will keep your testes from taking a nap.

I have now started reconsidering the hCG part of the cycle I've read people that use it during PCT with just clomid, and now I'm finding piles of people using it during their cycle. Don't have enough to run it the entire cycle (total of 5000iu's :S) will figure something out, and worst case scenario ill do it the last 5 week of my cycle.

I'd take a really good look at the bolded and underlined portions. As someone that has had an "ok" diet for a long time, it wasn't until I got very serious about it that I started to see the kind of results we all hope for when using AAS. I too have a similar goal, and I assure you that if you get that diet nailed down (3J is the man to consult btw) you will definitely see far greater results from your cycle.

I will definitely be checking into 3J Heard a lot of good

I'd call you crazy and too young, but you know this and it's frankly too late given your history. Whatever you did to your HPTA is done and there's no use in bashing you for it. At least you are definitely approaching this from an angle of responsibility and informed decisions. For that I applaud you. :) Now to the insulin part of your post: I really don't think anyone that is NOT a professional or has aspirations of going pro should mess with the stuff. As a diabetic myself, I can tell you that going into hypoglycemia is absolutely scarier than anything I have EVER experienced with AAS. There have been some doozies such as tren cough, bending a pin in my quad, nicking a large blood vessel, hitting a nerve (done that a few times, d'oh!), abscess scares, stupid high estrogen, stupid low estrogen, having very high blood pressure, prolactin issues with my johnson, and a few more that I've probably blacked out due to trauma. :p Point is, you really don't want to mess with the stuff unless you are not only "needing" it, but have a VERY extensive amount of research done prior to picking it up. Having a glucose meter isn't enough; you need to be sure to know what to do and know what the early warning signs are that your blood sugar is about to take a dive.

Lol I don't think I did that much to my HPTA considering when I go for my blood tests my values are all within the norms of a person that has never even touched the sauce. As for the insulin part I do have big goals, I've always had big goals. Definitely not into the competition part, just doing it for myself. Furthermore Ive been living with a diabetic for the past 22 years... Seen my fair share of hypo and its usually during the night around 3 am when sleep is the best... I have a lot of glucose tabs laying around the house, I know the signs and how to work it out... Was considering doing it when I'm with my gym partner and after 15 minutes he questions me and judges my response. I always try and do everything the safe way.

It can most certainly kill you if you are not VERY careful with it. This is why it is pretty low on the risk vs. reward index in my humble opinion. You're a grown man, so obviously you can make up your mind for yourself, but I cannot emphasize just how careful you should be with such a potent hormone. That, and if your diet isn't 100% dialed in, you very well put yourself at risk for putting on extra fat due to the nutrient shuttling properties of insulin. I've yet to meet any insulin-dependent diabetics that didn't put fat on before they learned just how important it is to watch what they eat. ;)

Heard a lot of people saying the same thing since insulin isn't selective. So in the event I do get on insulin I will be cutting out all unnecessary junk in my meal.

I too was hoping it meant something naughty, but...

^ HAD TO RUIN IT. :mad:

I'm just going to pretend it is something 21 year old blonde massage therapists with porn goddess bodies do for an extra large tip. :D

My .02c :)

EDIT: OP, with that user name; you better get an awesome pic of WW up on there for your avi! :p

Will be doing that very soon!
This is getting to the crux of my point brother: any sugar or carb, heck even protein and BCCA's, will raise insulin levels. There's no benefit to 'spiking' them vs gradually raising them or vice versa, unless one is exogenously using insulin or diabetic/pre-diabetic. Also, the inclusion of protein with this meal means that you are not 'spiking' insulin levels, protein slows absorption and digestion of all carbs.

There are no magical windows, that stuff is all nonsense brother. There is no anabolic window, no post workout window, etc.

Also no matter if you ingest food while exercising or not, you have no control over how those macros get stored or used. None. You have absolutely no control over whether something is stored correctly or incorrectly. There is no such thing as correct storage or incorrect storage in the first place. Finally, cArbs do not get stored, in realistic scenarios, as anything. Carbs are oxidized for energy and converted to glucose. No storage for that macro.

Let's agree to disagree. My whole point was that this kid should not be taking insulin. I suggested an alternative method that I've used with success as a alternative...
Fair enough Mr F your suggestions and opinion will be taken into consideration on whether or not it will be taken.

Day 3 of 70

Today was Back day!

Started with some Pull up 4 sets of all out, half way through I noticed I was already getting a really good pump in my back and my biceps and even triceps!

Did a couple more exercises did less weight then usual but upped the amount of sets and reps to really get a massive pump... I usually never sweat when I'm natty unless I'm doing legs with a sweater... Started feeling today a small onset of sweat percolating on my forehead... Tren must be at work :P

Definitely feeling all around happier, still not feeling the aggression I felt the first two weeks of my previous cycle... I imagine it will come.

As for hCG will be starting soon 250iu's twice a week for the duration.
That's all I ask, bro. Didn't mean to hijack your thread. Just be smart, work your ass off, eat your ass off.. And, most importantly, listen to your body.. You'll be fine.
Day 4 of 70

AM Workout Chest light high volume
PM Workout Shoulders Bi-Tri light high volume

Weight 176

Morning breakfast:

200 grams of horse
250 grams of rice
2 pieces of bread

Pre workout shake 50 grams protein
Greek yogurt 140grams


300 grams of pork
150 grams rice
Some potatoes

Somewhere in between all that add in 6 slices of bread

PM Workout

Post workout meal

200 grams of horse
250 grams of rice
2 slices of bread

Will be changing my doses Test is going down to 250mg's/week going to ramp tren up gradually to 700mg's/wk and on Monday adding in Anadrol at 100mg's/day for 5 weeks, ending off the cycle with some Clen if needed. Insulin is not happening this cycle thats for sure.
Day 4 of 70

AM Workout Chest light high volume
PM Workout Shoulders Bi-Tri light high volume

Weight 176

Morning breakfast:

200 grams of horse
250 grams of rice
2 pieces of bread

Pre workout shake 50 grams protein
Greek yogurt 140grams


300 grams of pork
150 grams rice
Some potatoes

Somewhere in between all that add in 6 slices of bread

PM Workout

Post workout meal

200 grams of horse
250 grams of rice
2 slices of bread

Will be changing my doses Test is going down to 250mg's/week going to ramp tren up gradually to 700mg's/wk and on Monday adding in Anadrol at 100mg's/day for 5 weeks, ending off the cycle with some Clen if needed. Insulin is not happening this cycle thats for sure.

Dude, no anadrol. Eat more and bust your ass more in the gym! I can't talk you out of tren but dropping test to trt levels that's well below tren levels is a good idea.. But, please, no drol.
Mr F I took your advice for the Insulin, but I'm going for the adrol... Taking all the precautions possible considering the risks I'm taking. The way I see it Arnold started at 15 and over the course of his lifetime probably abused more then I ever will, and he's still kicking it.

Missed out on posting yesterday. Did a pretty big back workout. Felt crazy pump... didn't weight in.

Going to the gym today will be updating tonight. Trying to eat a lot more trying to stay around 600 grams of carbs 200 grams of protein and >30 grams of fat per day.
Day 5 or 70

Weighted in at 178 today.

Feeling more vascular and fuller. Pumps are pretty good, getting the good old bicep pump when holding my phone... Calves get pumped going up the stairs.

Did another shoulder day felt pretty good. Didn't eat that much today, missed one meal. Tomorrow is leg day gonna hit them hard.

Mood is a lot better then last cycle, sleep is good. Gonna start integrating a nap during the day!
Took today off, didnt weight in... One thing to take note of I can drink water all day long and never feel hydrated, I dont know what it is but today I must have drank 6 liters of water, still thirsty.