Tren Bulking, Not clean diet approach and experiences needed

Ya know I used to wear my belt ALL the time in the gym. It did help my back with certain lifts. However I had an inherent umbilical hernia and pushed it out back in 81'. All was good but 4 years ago I was doing abs on a machine very sloppy and pushed it out again. I got that surgery and have been wearing it real tight for my ab section.

I don't wear it now due to my distended abdomen. Also with the rotor problem I just can't throw weight and dumbbells around like I used to.

But to get to what I wanna say is this: you guys just keep fkn with each other ya know and that's all fine but just you don't fvck with OMM ya hear me !:nono: BY now you all should know I don't fvck around or let anyone fvck with me....and that goes for any of you big bone heads like 49er or Matt or even halfass , oops I mean halfwit.

I think Milton wanted me to jump in and set everyone straight and calm this down. I really don't wanna see anymore nose bleed videos.....49er.

NOW where was this thread ....heehee he! :dunno:

And... Uhmmmm...


Yeah! Let that be a lesson to you whipper snappers! :spin:

Just wondering, but is there any proof in Matt saying he can lift that much weight?
I don't see it anywhere on the thread, but I do see pics of 49er....?

Whatcha up to mike on deads?
Do u set pr days like myself
Im no powerlifter but i do like to set pr days for heavy deads exspecially once every few weeks or when the ladies are out as they say the ladies increase your testosterone and atlesst for me it gives me that extra push to get that shit up lol
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Whatcha up to mike on deads?
Do u set pr days like myself
Im no powerlifter but i do like to set pr days for heavy deads exspecially once every few weeks or when the ladies are out as they say the ladies increase your testosterone and atlesst for me it gives me that extra push to get that shit up lol

I, for one, am not concerned with pr's for singles whatsoever. While I don't primarily train for strength, I realize strength is a byproduct of more mass. Bodybuilders look more at aesthetics and symmetry using weights as a tool to build mass in the lacking parts.
So when you want to start powerlifting war with who's who in lifting ridiculous amounts of weight I'd look into a powerlifting board. Some of us using AAS on this board crossover into powerlifting, but I believe the vast majority here could care less how much they can deadlift, bench press. Or squat
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I, for one, am not concerned with pr's for singles whatsoever. While I don't primarily for strength, I realize strength is a byproduct of more mass. Bodybuilders look more at aesthetics and symmetry using weights as a tool to build mass in the lacking parts.
So when you want to start powerlifting war with who's who in lifting ridiculous amounts of weight I'd look into a powerlifting board. Some of using AAS on this board crossover into powerlifting, but I belive the vast majority here could care less how much they can deadlift, bench press. Or squat

Just throwing ot out there i dont brag or talk about how much I lift unless I'm asked when you see me call someone outw it's usually because they're talking s*** and I know that can't lift as much. Basically my point is I know I don't lift crazy numbers but if someone is going to talk down about my numbers I expect them to be able to outlift me
I find stretching my glutes and hamstrings helps low back pain tremendously

You ever tried a lacrosse ball? It's uncomfortable to me for the most part but it definitely helps that stiffness and tightness in my lower back that causes me pain
You ever tried a lacrosse ball? It's uncomfortable to me for the most part but it definitely helps that stiffness and tightness in my lower back that causes me pain

I second that, lacrosse ball works great for lower back, I even use it on my triceps to help alleviate elbow pain.
I, for one, am not concerned with pr's for singles whatsoever. While I don't primarily for strength, I realize strength is a byproduct of more mass. Bodybuilders look more at aesthetics and symmetry using weights as a tool to build mass in the lacking parts.
So when you want to start powerlifting war with who's who in lifting ridiculous amounts of weight I'd look into a powerlifting board. Some of using AAS on this board crossover into powerlifting, but I belive the vast majority here could care less how much they can deadlift, bench press. Or squat

Again not a pl but its always nice to see what u can throw up strength wise and why not
Deads are a major lift and great for mass and strength so why not throw a pr day here and there once everything else is completed for the week
I call it my fuck around day where i go in with the mindset of lifting heavy keeping reps low and making the ladies unhappy with the rattle and noise