Tren Bulking, Not clean diet approach and experiences needed

Post workout meal
7oz chicken breast
5.5oz steak
1 cup jasmine rice

Why so much protein in one meal I thought you were maintaining not bulking good ol fashion bb meal there but good work on the diet . Small meals frequently with a few shakes here and there works best for me I don't care if it's cheeseburgers or steak if I'm getting at least 250 grams I'm happy one day will be clean eating next day could be a bit dirtier the next day I might only be able to eat 2or 3 solid meals so I'll have to make it up with a few shakes said it before different strokes for diffrent folks
Why so much protein in one meal I thought you were maintaining not bulking good ol fashion bb meal there but good work on the diet . Small meals frequently with a few shakes here and there works best for me I don't care if it's cheeseburgers or steak if I'm getting at least 250 grams I'm happy one day will be clean eating next day could be a bit dirtier the next day I might only be able to eat 2or 3 solid meals so I'll have to make it up with a few shakes said it before different strokes for diffrent folks
Maintained for a few months on high pro, high fat, low carb
Now bsck bulking up again
Just lowered my fat intake to 60g and raised my carb intake
But my carbs are only set for pre/post workout and ofcourse 2 cups cottage cheese before bed
Eating 5 square meals a day
Sitting at 225lbs and bulking up.from there
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Everyone keeps banging on about 'how BIG junk food makes them look'....

Junk food will cause all sorts on non-visual issues that are going on under the bonnet whilst you are checking the mirror.

Cholesterol, energy spikes and troughs, digestion, bloating and gas, shortage of micronutrients, lethargy, poor sleep quality etc etc...

Yes, junk is an easy (and tasty) way of upping your daily intake.

But, I promise you this. Your output will decrease, you will NOT perform optimally in the gym, your circulation will suffer, you will be euphoric one minute and sleepy the next, your complexion will diminish, your gut will struggle to break down what it's taking in, flatulence will rise and moods will fluctuate.

Yes, your initial goal of 'weight gain' (notice that didn't say 'muscle gain'!) will be accomplished - but ask yourself - is it simply 'weight' that you are after? Or would you rather quality LMM and peak performance?

I know what works best for me!

Would you rather fill your drag racer full of race fuel and speed without fuss down the lane beating everyone else in sight?

Or would you fill it full of cheap gasoline, clog the pipes, roar loud so everyone else looks at you - but splutter to a halt before you reach the finish line surrounded by smoke?
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Everyone keeps banging on about 'how BIG junk food makes them look'....

Junk food will cause all sorts on non-visual issues that are going on under the bonnet whilst you are checking the mirror.

Cholesterol, energy spikes and troughs, digestion, bloating and gas, shortage of micronutrients, lethargy, poor sleep quality etc etc...

Yes, junk is an easy (and tasty) way of upping your daily intake.

But, I promise you this. Your output will decrease, you will NOT perform optimally in the gym, your circulation will suffer, you will be euphoric one minute and sleepy the next, your complexion will diminish, your gut will struggle to break down what it's taking in, flatulence will rise and moods will fluctuate.

Yes, your initial goal of 'weight gain' (notice that didn't say 'muscle gain'!) will be accomplished - but ask yourself - is it simply 'weight' that you are after? Or would you rather quality LMM and peak performance?

I know what works best for me!

Nice BB! I get everyone of those symptoms every time I start eating like crap I feel like crap and my workouts suffer. My diet isn't the best but I'm starting to learn what foods cause these syptoms and little by little I'm eliminating them from my diet. For me it's about getting the nutrients I need from food without feeling like crap a few hours later. Nothing worse than trying to hammer legs when your stomach is already upset and bloated.
Everyone is still learning and obv so am i
I have been soaking in good thingd on this site
I dont care what u do mike but i learned alot from going with 3j for sometime, maybe do thr same and he had me up to 6000 cals a day and big dif getting in 6000 cals from relatively clean food compared to fast food
Trust me u wouldnt wanna see 6000 cals and maybe youll get a dif vibe on what i mean
I can eat a shit ton and love eating but 6000 cals relatively clean is alot of food bro
And why is it horrible bro i never said i was lean i am currently bulking but somebody that hasnt even begin to cut or even maintain or even so track there macros is giving advice to somebody to eat garbage to pack the weight on lmao
Looking at your pics 49er u havd a wack of body fat at 293lbs
I would much rather be at a good body fat range gain weight slowly then to put on a wack of fat like yourself
If thats the image your gunning for so be it but u only gonna lift that amount of weight for so long as age will catch up to u
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Haters always gonna hate lol
Is what it is and what keeps this forum rolling haha
Keep eating shitty 49er next year u can brag your 400lbs plus eating 20000 cals a day
I dont know what exactly there is to brag about when u telling people u never track your macros as it obv shows
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Yeah. There isn't much to be said.

I wonder why his nips look extra pointy. Hard to miss, stands out more than his muscle mass.
Lmao as for one that sits at 185lbs at 5'5
People on no gear are bigger then u bro
And whatcha running over a gram of gear?
And looking at your avi it looks halirous as your tits are bigger then your whole frame
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I wish u were at my gym then u could get a better look at myself and make sure u look up as well as i am damn sure u wouldnt be talking your bullshit u 19 year punk kid
And take a current pic big ben and magic mike without photo shopping the shit out of them
Let me guess ben your side lined again due to injury for the 20th time
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U talk alot of shit ben but the only pics u posted up is the ones from a photo shoot with proper lighting and photo shoped bs
And again mike u are 185lbs soaking wet bro
I am bulking too and have no trouble putting on size unlike yourself my man
Its sad like i said u have gained 7lbs in one year being on gear
Again i am.bulking up to 250-260 so whatever it takes to achieve that weight but also not eating a pile of bs in the process of bulking up
1 to 2 cheat meals a week
And currently sitting at 225lbs at 5'11