Tren Bulking, Not clean diet approach and experiences needed

Its easier when u got your protein set from protein sources
Then u csn play around whatever u like drops fats and add csrbs or drop carbs and add in more fat
I est the same everyday
I may bend and eat chips or junk on occassion when i wake up at night but who doest
But i make damn sure exspecially wheb bulking i pick 2 days outta the week and have a cheat meal like pizza, burgers and or take the girl out for dinner
Not everyday i eat mcdonalds that i find is just an easy way out to eat like shit everyday and lazy diet approach
2800 calories for 6' maintenance... really.

I don't know exactly how maintenance calories are set by of course they vary from people to people in terms of general size, muscle mass on the body, activity level, metabolism, genetics ect... There is nothing wrong with me. My body is constantly hot as hell. It's like i'm on clen 24/7 and in the gym I sweat like insanity. So it is what it is, I do wish it was lower calories, things would be better, but there isn't much I can do.

Ur calories are so low. Isn't female maintenance calories about 2000..? I don't even think ur mostly muscle mass, 200 lbs of fat alone isn't going to require same calories as 200lbs of muscle I'm sure. Maybe ur work out method isn't set for intensity, thats what burns calories the most.

Why do u keep preaching non-junk food. U don't have anything to stand for. Your transformation picture was good from stage 1 fat to stage 2 semi-fit. Anything after that has not been improved in much of any way. Just diff angles and diff lightening, but same thing.

I'm not expert on anything here, but I have tried to give u advice to get bigger. It WILL come at a cost of putting on BF too and not looking top dog for a good set amount of months, but the reward is at the end of the trail. So i'll repeat for the 20th time:
-Eat MORE and worry LESS about BF and how clean the food is, get ur protein in at the min req and get ur fiber in for health, Fill the rest to grow anyway possible. I personally don't suggest taking in the most of ur calories in g's of dietary fat though.

-Raise ur intensity in the gym in terms of drop sets or Pyramid sets Up. For example here is a biceps exercise:
Hammer curls using the rope on cable machine: Set 1 to failure, wait 5 seconds do it again, wait 5 seconds go it again. Then Raise weight and repeat for sets 2,3 and maybe 4.
Thats high intensity where the burn is felt like crazy.
For heavier exercises like flat bench I'd use dog crap style. I do more than is needed, but ex: 225 to fail, 30 sec, 225 to fail, 30 sec, 225 to fail. Done

-U need to track ur stuff too, make sure weight is going up every week or set for the variable change by adding in more calories, decreasing some drop sets ect..
Never said i know my shit 49er but i know one thing is that yiur diet completely sucks if u eat out all the time and u been bulking for how long now 2 years straight bulk eating garbage all the time
U obv have no disipline what so ever and point blank comes down to lazyiness in your diet approach
I come here to learn not tell people to eat garbage to bulk up lmao
Pre workout meal 3
7oz chicken breast
5.3oz lean ground beef
1 cup jasmine rice
1 cup mixed tomatoes and onion for flavour
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Never said i know my shit 49er but i know one thing is that yiur diet completely sucks if u eat out all the time and u been bulking for how long now 2 years straight bulk eating garbage all the time
I come here to learn not tell people to eat garbage to bulk up lmao
Pre workout meal 3
7oz chicken breast
5.3oz lean ground beef
1 cup jasmine rice
1 cup mixed tomatoes and onion for flavour

Thats a ton of protein for one meal. I don't understand why u eat so much of it. 350g will NOT make u grow anymore than 250g per day. U are better filling in those remainder using carbs or fats even. Plus it's costing u so much more too for no reason.

I don't really know to be honest Matt, U are kind of a lost cause in terms of BB. It's sad to say when ur ego makes u as a whole person. Just look at the general AVI's on this forum, not everyone is huge, but the vast majority of their selfies are lean and in good shape cause they made progress doing things right. Ur AVI unfortunately is not one of them, but if u dropped ur ego and followed the advice I gave u and many others on ur past "selfie" threads, then u could roll in the right direction for once. 49er does look better than u, he does hold a lot of BF too, but his muscle mass if he cut down would show u up for sure, even with his diet.
2800 calories for 6' maintenance... really.

I don't know exactly how maintenance calories are set by of course they vary from people to people in terms of general size, muscle mass on the body, activity level, metabolism, genetics ect... There is nothing wrong with me. My body is constantly hot as hell. It's like i'm on clen 24/7 and in the gym I sweat like insanity. So it is what it is, I do wish it was lower calories, things would be better, but there isn't much I can do.

Ur calories are so low. Isn't female maintenance calories about 2000..? I don't even think ur mostly muscle mass, 200 lbs of fat alone isn't going to require same calories as 200lbs of muscle I'm sure. Maybe ur work out method isn't set for intensity, thats what burns calories the most.

Why do u keep preaching non-junk food. U don't have anything to stand for. Your transformation picture was good from stage 1 fat to stage 2 semi-fit. Anything after that has not been improved in much of any way. Just diff angles and diff lightening, but same thing.

I'm not expert on anything here, but I have tried to give u advice to get bigger. It WILL come at a cost of putting on BF too and not looking top dog for a good set amount of months, but the reward is at the end of the trail. So i'll repeat for the 20th time:
-Eat MORE and worry LESS about BF and how clean the food is, get ur protein in at the min req and get ur fiber in for health, Fill the rest to grow anyway possible. I personally don't suggest taking in the most of ur calories in g's of dietary fat though.

-Raise ur intensity in the gym in terms of drop sets or Pyramid sets Up. For example here is a biceps exercise:
Hammer curls using the rope on cable machine: Set 1 to failure, wait 5 seconds do it again, wait 5 seconds go it again. Then Raise weight and repeat for sets 2,3 and maybe 4.
Thats high intensity where the burn is felt like crazy.
For heavier exercises like flat bench I'd use dog crap style. I do more than is needed, but ex: 225 to fail, 30 sec, 225 to fail, 30 sec, 225 to fail. Done

-U need to track ur stuff too, make sure weight is going up every week or set for the variable change by adding in more calories, decreasing some drop sets ect..

U just answered your own question here man
When u bulk less time in the gym.and more rest is needed to bulk maybe u are doing to many sets to much time in the gym
Get in do your thing and get the f out
I can crank my metabolim if i want too but i can also slow it down as well and bulk up adding weight
When i cuti spend more timein the gym, adjust my diet accordingly to my acitivity level
And it cranks my metabolim back up
Im sure if i seen u the gym u would think differently as there is so.many dudes like yourself at 185lbs soaking wet and not on gear by all means
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2800 calories for 6' maintenance... really.

I don't know exactly how maintenance calories are set by of course they vary from people to people in terms of general size, muscle mass on the body, activity level, metabolism, genetics ect... There is nothing wrong with me. My body is constantly hot as hell. It's like i'm on clen 24/7 and in the gym I sweat like insanity. So it is what it is, I do wish it was lower calories, things would be better, but there isn't much I can do.

Ur calories are so low. Isn't female maintenance calories about 2000..? I don't even think ur mostly muscle mass, 200 lbs of fat alone isn't going to require same calories as 200lbs of muscle I'm sure. Maybe ur work out method isn't set for intensity, thats what burns calories the most.

Why do u keep preaching non-junk food. U don't have anything to stand for. Your transformation picture was good from stage 1 fat to stage 2 semi-fit. Anything after that has not been improved in much of any way. Just diff angles and diff lightening, but same thing.

I'm not expert on anything here, but I have tried to give u advice to get bigger. It WILL come at a cost of putting on BF too and not looking top dog for a good set amount of months, but the reward is at the end of the trail. So i'll repeat for the 20th time:
-Eat MORE and worry LESS about BF and how clean the food is, get ur protein in at the min req and get ur fiber in for health, Fill the rest to grow anyway possible. I personally don't suggest taking in the most of ur calories in g's of dietary fat though.

-Raise ur intensity in the gym in terms of drop sets or Pyramid sets Up. For example here is a biceps exercise:
Hammer curls using the rope on cable machine: Set 1 to failure, wait 5 seconds do it again, wait 5 seconds go it again. Then Raise weight and repeat for sets 2,3 and maybe 4.
Thats high intensity where the burn is felt like crazy.
For heavier exercises like flat bench I'd use dog crap style. I do more than is needed, but ex: 225 to fail, 30 sec, 225 to fail, 30 sec, 225 to fail. Done

-U need to track ur stuff too, make sure weight is going up every week or set for the variable change by adding in more calories, decreasing some drop sets ect..

Nice explanation bro...I'll use that. U didn't type those words in vein my friend.
With all that gear your taking why are u not gaining shit then bro? I'll ask this
Like i said in one year u have gained 7lbs?
U just answered your own question here man
When u bulk less time in the gym.and more rest is needed to bulk maybe u are doing to many sets to much time in the gym
Get in do your thing and get the f out
I can crank my metabolim if i want too but i can also slow it down as well and bulk up adding weight
When i cuti spend more timein the gym, adjust my diet accordingly to my acitivity level
And it cranks my metabolim back up
Im sure if i seen u the gym u would think differently as there is so.many dudes like yourself at 185lbs soaking wet and not on gear by all means

Get in get out? That's lazy i get 3 days off a week and when i do im in tje gym 2-3 hours. 12 years ago i weighed 220 skinny fat fresh off meth bow i weigh 293 its not all muscle but cmon you bulk a few ninths and cut your bot even gaining muscle in that time. Mature muscle takes years and years to build.
Get in get out? That's lazy i get 3 days off a week and when i do im in tje gym 2-3 hours. 12 years ago i weighed 220 skinny fat fresh off meth bow i weigh 293 its not all muscle but cmon you bulk a few ninths and cut your bot even gaining muscle in that time. Mature muscle takes years and years to build.

Last sentence=truth.
And like i said i am doing things differently why?
Cause maybe i listened to some knowledgable people but u have to give your body a break from just a straight 2 year bulk
I gave myself 3 months off from bulking, didnt do a summer cut and just maintain my current weight of 225lbs to 227lbs give or take
Now i adjusted my diet again lowered my fat intake to 60g, protein still set the same at 340g and added in carbs pre/post workout thats it
Well u should know this by now 49er i hope
Doesnt matter how much time u spend in the gym
If your diet is bs u can train all u want
Depends on what image u wanna achieve
Guess u a powerlifter
And like i said i am doing things differently why?
Cause maybe i listened to some knowledgable people but u have to give your body a break from just a straight 2 year bulk
I gave myself 3 months off from bulking, didnt do a summer cut and just maintain my current weight of 225lbs to 227lbs give or take
Now i adjusted my diet again lowered my fat intake to 60g, protein still set the same at 340g and added in carbs pre/post workout thats it

Actually im not bulking in the sense ive never counted a calorie in my life i eat my body tells me when its hungry. I keep growing and changing every year. Im finally to the point where my hard work and hormone use dont give a fuck if i eat some shit. I eat everything you guys eat but i also eat anything i want. All the shit everyone talked about me before is turning around i knew eventually id get where i want.

Hard work always beats talent and genetics. Dont get me wrong diet is #1 for dropping bf along with hormones but i was chasing pure mass. My dreams of bodybuilding are gone i still love seeing the monsters but im a powerlifter now. My point is even the way i eat its all coming together and my muscle mass speaks for itself.
With all that gear your taking why are u not gaining shit then bro? I'll ask this
Like i said in one year u have gained 7lbs?

Yea I was steady BECAUSE my macros were not set to grow. For the most part this was a mess up on my own end in terms of bad reaction to gear. They time I ran anadrol and dbol on seperate cycles. 2 weeks for anadrol and 6 for dbol. I gained hardly anything because I was so shot in terms of eating. I could not get a protein shake down hardly. I never had a problem like that before, but if I run orals again, I need to keep it in mind. I can bulk on tren though, but it requires some super high calories overall. I do what I can.
7 lbs of muscle is pretty good and I'd take that any day tbh even on gear.
Never said i know my shit 49er but i know one thing is that yiur diet completely sucks if u eat out all the time and u been bulking for how long now 2 years straight bulk eating garbage all the time
U obv have no disipline what so ever and point blank comes down to lazyiness in your diet approach
I come here to learn not tell people to eat garbage to bulk up lmao
Pre workout meal 3
7oz chicken breast
5.3oz lean ground beef
1 cup jasmine rice
1 cup mixed tomatoes and onion for flavour

This plate reminds me of your old mirror
View attachment 565174
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Actually im not bulking in the sense ive never counted a calorie in my life i eat my body tells me when its hungry. I keep growing and changing every year. Im finally to the point where my hard work and hormone use dont give a fuck if i eat some shit. I eat everything you guys eat but i also eat anything i want. All the shit everyone talked about me before is turning around i knew eventually id get where i want.

Hard work always beats talent and genetics. Dont get me wrong diet is #1 for dropping bf along with hormones but i was chasing pure mass. My dreams of bodybuilding are gone i still love seeing the monsters but im a powerlifter now. My point is even the way i eat its all coming together and my muscle mass speaks for itself.

Give it a couple more years haha. Age catches up to us all. :(

I really have nothing to add to this thread as I can't possibly top the advice given, and mom always said that if I don't have something nice to say - don't say anything at all. :wiggle:
Simple, clean it up. As for test and tren, I used to run test TRT dose and Tren double that or triple. Shitty Side effects non existent. Gains good. But let me tell you this... I got the strongest and the most ridiculous looking on equal Tren/Test. TestP 525 and Tren 525. Insane strength gains, libido killing it, BUT I was the king of assholes at around week 4 when everything was starting to hit me hard. Work life suffered and so did relationship. Shittiest sides ever but best gains. I'm gonna try it again since I know what awaits me now.

But yea, clean it up. I been on vacation for two weeks eating shit. Took a little time off thankfully I know how to control myself. Gonna start a full cycle again and will be hitting up 3J again to continue where we left off 2 weeks ago.
Actually im not bulking in the sense ive never counted a calorie in my life i eat my body tells me when its hungry. I keep growing and changing every year. Im finally to the point where my hard work and hormone use dont give a fuck if i eat some shit. I eat everything you guys eat but i also eat anything i want. All the shit everyone talked about me before is turning around i knew eventually id get where i want.

Hard work always beats talent and genetics. Dont get me wrong diet is #1 for dropping bf along with hormones but i was chasing pure mass. My dreams of bodybuilding are gone i still love seeing the monsters but im a powerlifter now. My point is even the way i eat its all coming together and my muscle mass speaks for itself.
Well if thats the route u wanna go so be it
Why tell people if they got a bb aspect image and not a powerlifter image to eat shit to gain weight and not count macros?
Total dif ballgame on what u wanna achieve then possibly others here