Tren E filtering


New member
Dissolved Tren E powder in 3%, 20%. Took the oil up to 170F and allot of swirling/mixing to get it clear. I went ahead and keep it in about 150F for 20 maybe 30 minutes while I filtered some EQ. The EQ filtered like a dream.

The Tren E stopped the .22 after about 15mls. I ran the rest through a .45 (clogged it)before busing out another .45! forced it through a .22 and went slow but got the rest.

All that for 40mls cause I lost in the filters and leaked some too with all the filter changes.

Is this normal for Tren E?
I don't want to spend a bottle top just to learn this shit requires a prefilter. Nalge .22X75.

Tren E does tend to be a very dirty raw. What kind of syringe filters are you using???

NUMBER 2!!!!!!"
Take your temp up to 205 F or 95 C!!!!!! hold there until all is clear no swirls, then add the GSO or carrier!!!!!! Keep temp at 95 for 5 min or so, turn heat down to where it will not go lower than 80-85 C and begin filtering as soon as you turn it down. keep an eye on the temp as you are filtering because the more you suck out of your brew to filter the less liquid there the easier your heating source can skyrocket the lesser fluid remaining. It's something that takes practice.

But no! that is not normal of Tren E, it should filter like anything else within reason.
I am guessing that your filters are the cheaper syringe filters and not real Whatman filter GD/X's with the prefilters built in!!! There is your problem if so. If not then I beleive you have some very shitty cut powder.
Did you run a melt test on it???? Accurately???
Using syringe filters for my test batch. Will be using .22 Nalge 90mm w/glass receiver for main batch. Did the BA, BB just as you said(love that BTW)then adding the warm oil in 1/3's and had to reheat each time to see it grab. I trusted this powder based on others from same source. The shit had "that smell" I have come to recognize and love :). I have some prefilters on the way for main batch. No I didn't run a melt test on this powder.

I did not run the temp up that much(205F) and thought maybe the difficult melt would be the issue if not fully dissolved but shit was clear amber juice but I still questioned the dissolving aspect and might be raw clogging the filters.
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You nailed it again(not that I am surprised). I brought the finish up to 205F and she filtered like a dream!
You nailed it again(not that I am surprised). I brought the finish up to 205F and she filtered like a dream!

I'm not on this section 99% of the time and responding to you guys cause I like to guess at things or provide "I think" information bro! I'm here because sometimes I need help and also to share knowledge I "KNOW" works because I have done it!!! If I tell someone something it's because I have experienced it and I speak from experience. I don't fill people full of shit like I guess others do!
Happy brewing bro, 205 has been my magic temp for a long time and I have tried many many many different temps many many many different lengths of time with those temps and on many many different compounds....... 205 F works like no other. Will it work at other temps???? Of course, are they more efficient??? I do not believe so!!!