Tren E legit or not ? No major sides yet


New member
It's been day 31 of my Tren E/Test E cycle. Haven't notice much strength gains or sides besides shortness of breathe. No isomnia or night sweats yet. I'm taking 400mg Tren E & 250mg Test E a week. The Tren E is by SP Labs. Is it still little to early to say my Tren is fake ? I was planning to up my Test E to 500mg. Going to run Tren E for 10 weeks and Test E for 12 weeks.
I'm running300mg test e and 400 milligrams of tren e as well and I barely have any sides compared to when I ran it higher

but I definitely know my tren is real, i am seeing daily body comp changes.

Are you? if your gear is real dude you would know if your diet is under control
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The side effects of Tren are blown way out of proportion.

Not sayin, just sayin
Not everyone has harsh side effects. Physically I'm good other than my cardio suffers some., and I homebrew finaplex-h so I know its good. I do get a little more cranky than I would with most other ped's.
Some people like me get only few side of tren, depending of the dosage.

400 mg of tren-e and 250 mg/test-e is a good compo.

Sd labs is not my favorit at all. not saying it's fake. but i've ran better.

you should archive, strengh gain, définition, veines size up.

not everybody get insomnia;

i get usulay insomina over 500 mg/tren-e per week.

By now i switched to tren-hex. so far it's realy better. try it in a futur cycle.
since test and tren fight for the same receptor running your test lower is actually a smart move

youre 4 weeks into it.. it should be reaching its peak levels..

but not everyone gets the crazy sides from tren every time... is your body changing??
My body changed pretty dramatically from day 1 but I kickstarted it for the first 30 days with Msten (PH). I read having test higher than Tren causes more sides. But at the same time I want to up my test to 500mg a week instead of 250mg just incase the Tren is bunk. Or should I just keep the dosage where it's at and wait to see what happens ? Only sides right now are shortness of breathe and I tend to sweat easier now even when doing just light activity.
Having the same issue too right now. I'm on start of week 5 of 400mg tren E and 500mg Test E.

Veins came up, Strength slightly up..but stalled right now, I get these itchy sweats sometimes when I get nervous or worried in a situation.

Not had any tren cough at all, cardio feels fine or atleast I think, no night sweats at all..

Not sure what to expect at this point. Most people say u feel it within week 4, others say more or less in week 6 of the Enth ester. So I'm just going to run it for 2 more weeks and see what happens.

I wish there was a way to confirm that tren is real. Seems like no other way than to force a tren cough onto u to test it by injecting fast.
I am a firm believer that if your tren is real (or doesed properly), you would know it. No other aas ive taken makes me feel the same type of way

The vascularity
Rediculous strength increase
Sudden drop in bf...even in a caloric surplus
Want to fuck everything you see
And much more..

Im other words...if you arent SURE SURE, its probably underdosed.

Best tren ive taken (besides real finaplix), was pinnacle tren e. Nothing has compared to that..
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I did tren off and on for years and didn't have sides. Then last spring I got back on at a low dose 50 eod all was fine. Then stepped it up to 100 ed and oh boy I couldn't deal with the sides.... Then the cough that was terrible. I would say the 400 your on a week should be more than sufficient. You should have a great increase in strength by now..... I get strong as a mofo on tren. Your stuff is prob. Unferdosed.
You could just be lucky and not get the sides, I have only ran Tren Ace and I get really bad night sweats and bad cough here and there. I wish you luck and off hand I can't think of a way to test if your Tren is real unless you have run it before and know how your body acts to it.
I like the night sweats and yellow pee while on tren...... dreams?? thats another situation... dont like the dreams.... disturbing

my .02
Actually think it's starting to kick in. Beginning of week 5 right now. I'm trying to gain weight still so I've been taking mass gainers. Can I still gain weight off Tren E if I just hop on a clean diet ?