tren extreme


New member
hi,i dont post much but i had questions on tren extreme i just started the cycle yesterday and wanna make sure im doing this right any info can help heres my routine

morning 7AM 4EFA's 2tren, multi vitamins ,eat

4PM-glutamine eat

pre workout-4EFA's ,2 Tren,1scoop BCAA, eat

post-glutamine,1 scoop BCAA,pro5 shake


before bed-2 anobolix PM, 1 Scoop BCAA,Glutamine

off days-3EFA, 1 Tren in the morning

any help would be great thanks.
I have no idea what tren-extreme is?? ..BUT, what I can tell you is that if it is an herbal product w/a name made to sound like a real anabolic compound, you've probably been ripped off. Don't get me wrong, herbals/supp's are great and needed but if a company has to resort to lies & trickery to sell product, the contents are no good!!