Tren hex 125mg vs Tren E 200mg?

Imo hex half life is like 7 days (i could be wrong)...The beauty of hex is you can do twice a week, but kicks in fully in a week to 10 days. I have heard people say hex has more fat burning capabilities then tren e.
For some reason hex costs 300% more then tren enanthate and tren ace to produce according to boss.
Tren hex if it's really tren hex your are buying and you trust your supplier, is parabolan which used to be made by a French company called Negma. It was sold in 76.5mg Amps which contained 1 and a half CC's or ML's of oil. I believe negma stopped producing all parabolan by around 1996 but since I would say 1992 it had been about impossible to find on the black market. With no Internet and no one giving directions how to turn Fina pellets into tren acetate trenbolone fell off the face of the earth for a good long time. In the 80's a few vet companies overseas were producing finaject or finajet which was simply trenbolone acetate. However no company has produced either since like 1987. This was a must have for Bb's of the 80's. So, there was no tren for a long time until guys started posting recipes to make tren a out of Fina pellets on the Internet in the early 2000's. With a few simple things plus a cheap pack of Fina pellets it was simple for anyone to make 40 CC's of tren in their house overnight. Of course the government caught up to this and now the price of the pellets, if u can get them at all, are totally ridiculous. So, now ugl's are offering tren a, e, and tren hex. The difference between the three is not great. Tren a is in and out of you eod injections necessary if not Ed. 75 Mgs a day is a pretty high but awsomly effective dose in building muscle and burning fat. Tren E is the same drug as tren A except the Ester makes it last far longer in the body, more like test E next to test Prop. Tren E you can take in two shots a week 250mgs each is a good intermediate dose. Of course it takes a few weeks to feel the effects of tren E where A you will feel in the first week. But, tren E will also hang around your system awhile after your last shot. Tren Hex is the wildcard. Tren a and E are dosed at about the same Mgs per week to be effective. Hex is not like that, you do not need as much hex as A or E to get the same or better results. From what I looked up hex is long acting 14 days so twice a week dosing like E would be adequate. Thing is you don't need 500mgs of tren hex as you would with tren E. Something like 300 Mgs a week should give you even better results than 500 Mgs of tren e. I don't get the science behind it, tried to understand it but it was too complex. But I do remember when parabolan was still readily available no one I knew EVER took more than 3 Amps a week(230mgs a week) and most of the time guys took 2 a week and grew like crazy that's 153 Mgs a week. I took the old Negma parabolan in like 1991, two a week, 153 Mgs with 50 Mgs of anadrol a day. To this day I still haven't had a cycle that made me grow and stay hard more than that one did. So, if you want to try tren hex, and you're confident it's hex and not tren E in disguise you will need to play with the dosing, you will need far less to get the same or even better results.