Tren Only Cycle Results - With pics!


New member
Heres before and after pics of my 9 week tren only cycle.... both pics taken in the morning, the first lol one is before any food.. the second is @ work after some whey and oatmeal. I have another thread in here somewhere documenting how the cycle ran if your wondering. Heres the link

anyways pics speak for themselves stat wise..

+13lbs over 9 weeks...

not going to run the planned 12 weeks of tren only and am cutting it short since im starting a Test + EQ cycle for my first mens physique contest. Gonna run a 20 week prep... ive got some extra bodyfat i need to get rid of - i dont plan on JUST competing, or JUST placing

anyone have experience, advocate for, or advise against Sust, EQ, Tren, and Test altogether to shred??

View attachment 549462View attachment 549463
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why wouldn't you run test, thats just dumb, esp with tren. Def got fuller, but your diet should of been in better check brother. but ill give u that u got leaner and fuller
read my other thread - i posted a link to it zeus..... i ran tren only just to see how my body would respond... i was coming off a shoulder surgery and was pretty out of shape (as you can see) and was sick of all the broscience i was reading and wanted to try it - for better or for worse. I'd say i responded pretty well considering.. Im going straight onto Test and EQ now...

my diet wasnt the best... i was just trying to build a foundation for prep and stay motivated... 29 weeks of perfect eating???fuck that, id go insane!

9 weeks of pretty clean eating though - my only downfall was alcohol on the weekend.... take into consideration as well, i did zero cardio during this time.. i mean not a minute on cardio equipment. So my diet must have been semi decent... I mean im down 2%

Starting EQ and Test, ill be doing 45 minutes of cardio everyday, running clen.. and my diet will be perfect; carb cycling, no alcohol etc.
Heres before and after pics of my 9 week tren only cycle.... both pics taken in the morning, the first lol one is before any food.. the second is @ work after some whey and oatmeal. I have another thread in here somewhere documenting how the cycle ran if your wondering. Heres the link

anyways pics speak for themselves stat wise..

+13lbs over 9 weeks...

not going to run the planned 12 weeks of tren only and am cutting it short since im starting a Test + EQ cycle for my first mens physique contest. Gonna run a 20 week prep... ive got some extra bodyfat i need to get rid of - i dont plan on JUST competing, or JUST placing

anyone have experience, advocate for, or advise against Sust, EQ, Tren, and Test altogether to shred??

View attachment 549462View attachment 549463

What would u do with a good body if ur dick isn't working?
What would u do with a good body if ur dick isn't working?

you sound like you would help him out lol jk but looks like tren can make any guy look good especially with a good diet and traingin and genetics shit....gotta hand it to ya and tren only, look alot better than you did
thank you for the constructive criticism and positive feedback guys! keep it coming!!! this last 9 weeks was more of a discovery phase for me. trying to learn my body better and how it reacts... I've been very careful with just tren, and will be getting some bloodwork done here in a few days just to double-check my overall health.
i see i see, i understand the urge to drink, i would if u wanna have a couple of beers, then be strict on the diet, ur spending money on this shit, might as well make the best of it. But everyone has there own view. I understand your point, but i would atleast run like 100-200mg a week of test, u know to keep your buddy working down there.
Heres before and after pics of my 9 week tren only cycle.... both pics taken in the morning, the first lol one is before any food.. the second is @ work after some whey and oatmeal. I have another thread in here somewhere documenting how the cycle ran if your wondering. Heres the link

anyways pics speak for themselves stat wise..

+13lbs over 9 weeks...

not going to run the planned 12 weeks of tren only and am cutting it short since im starting a Test + EQ cycle for my first mens physique contest. Gonna run a 20 week prep... ive got some extra bodyfat i need to get rid of - i dont plan on JUST competing, or JUST placing

anyone have experience, advocate for, or advise against Sust, EQ, Tren, and Test altogether to shred??

View attachment 549462View attachment 549463

Bro, Sustanon (sust) is test, just 4 different types. Sustanon (sust) causes crazy spikes and drops in test levels. Drop the Sustanon (sust) and run the test. Test e or prop.
Well, I get that you are doing this for more of a research thing but the only way to see how you are doing would be blood work. Now, I assume you have some done or will be getting it done before the test and EQ??? That is what I am interested in seeing.
Doesn't look like you were ready for gear yet. Prob still had a lot of noob gains to make. On the other hand, you did make some progress.
Also, drinking hinders your gains significantly, I read a stat somewhere that said, 4 drinks will result in 40% lower test levels for up to 48 hrs. ouch.