Tren "over powers" Test?

Guys for me it would be impossible. at 1500mg week test E, I would have to run some shit pile of tren to make it higher. (currently in a blast phase)

I have run it a lower dose, when I was crusing on 500mg would run the tren a up to 100mg or 150mg eod, based on how I felt, but never below 100. 10 weeks max.

The sides of tren are a harsh but I never run it higher than 150mg eod. I was told to try 75mg ed, but im a pussy hehe.

I can run tren E at 800-1500 with no issues. I think they work differently in the body because of ester.

While I know its a much stronger compound, and would take up more recpors you have to understand that its such a quick thing in the body, and you can take a VERY SEROUS VOLUME OF TEST, before you get saturated.
I know pros, IFBB pros on 3grams a week cruise and up to 10 grams a week when building. 30IUs pharma grade GH etc.
Shit I know women IFBB pros running 300mg of prop a week.
I dont think that the little tiny ammounts of drugs we run would be an issue.
If your running 500-100mg test and 100mg eod of tren, IMO your more than fine.

but hey, im just a brother of iron....
I've never ran Test higher than Tren, but I have run them at the same doses and i've run Tren higher....both with amazing results!!
No matter how you decide to run the tren it is going to kick ass, that***8217;s just what it does as far as running one over the other I think that just all depends on the person and how they react to the sides and finding the dose that keeps off the sides of tren as much as possible cause they are very fucked up sides. But hey this is just my two cent's from my cycle of test/tren.
P.S. tren dick is a side too for whoever said it was BS, TRUST ME
Anyone run it long term?
More than 10+ weeks?

I have run it 10 weeks, never use anything to combat prolactin sides or anything like that. Never had an issue with it. Limp or soft member, but only after the third cum.
My very last cycle was 14 weeks or Tren E 800mg and 16 weeks Test E 400mg. Always run your test 2 weeks longer then Tren or Deca!! I also ran Caber twice a week to combat prolactin because I've had prolactin issues in the past.
Anyone run it long term?
More than 10+ weeks?

I have run it 10 weeks, never use anything to combat prolactin sides or anything like that. Never had an issue with it. Limp or soft member, but only after the third cum.

20 weeks here last go round
Either way you will get results. I personally still run test as the higher dose. There is no book and it doesnt have to be run either way. Yes tren binds to AR stronger than test. For some people, they find that they have less sides from keeping the test dose low. For me, it kills my libido after a couple weeks.

I've used lots of tren over the past ten years and in combination with test in any amounts is excellent. My buddy will run tren ace solo for 6 months straight with no issues, 8-10 weeks is plenty for me, but after a 4 week break I'm ready to go again.

You have to experiment and see what works for you.
I personally found that I obtained better results running it 800 Test/ 400 Tren then I did running it reverse. As User said, although I had less sides running the Tren higher, my libido took a drop
which should i start with? test or tren?

I just cap my first gear which i look forward to cycle on for the first time
im a newbie to using gear so i'm seeking some advice.
as i said im a newbie, if ur going to comment and highlight that fact, dont even bother commenting.
i want effective constructive advice i can utilize to make the best of my gear.
i weigh 165
my currently compound lifts are
squats: 275 for 8 reps 4-set hypertrophy or 315 for 6 max, 2-3 reps per set
deadlifts 315 12-15 reps or 8 reps 3-4 sets
bench press 205 decline for 8, 185 flat, 165 incline

the gear i got was test 400
so test propionate
test cypionate
test enanthate

ten enanthate
tren acte

im not sure how to start off and finish the cycle
which gear should i use first?
test or tren
im thinking test

insights would be helpful
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Im on week 7 of 800 Tren E and 400 Test E. Only negative side is insomnia, but there are soooo many positives.
I just cap my first gear which i look forward to cycle on for the first time
im a newbie to using gear so i'm seeking some advice.
as i said im a newbie, if ur going to comment and highlight that fact, dont even bother commenting.
i want effective constructive advice i can utilize to make the best of my gear.
i weigh 165
my currently compound lifts are
squats: 275 for 8 reps 4-set hypertrophy or 315 for 6 max, 2-3 reps per set
deadlifts 315 12-15 reps or 8 reps 3-4 sets
bench press 205 decline for 8, 185 flat, 165 incline

the gear i got was test 400
so test propionate
test cypionate
test enanthate

ten enanthate
tren acte

im not sure how to start off and finish the cycle
which gear should i use first?
test or tren
im thinking test

insights would be helpful

The best thing you can do for yourself AND your body is to run Test ONLY for your first cycle. So say your Test Enth, run 500mg a week (2 pins of 250mg -Monday & Thursday) Run this for about 12 weeks. You need to make sure you have your post cycle therapy (pct) in order so you should post here: Anabolic Steroid Forum tell them your cycle plans and go from there. Just don't want to get into it all here because this is the Chemical forum ;)
The best thing you can do for yourself AND your body is to run Test ONLY for your first cycle. So say your Test Enth, run 500mg a week (2 pins of 250mg -Monday & Thursday) Run this for about 12 weeks. You need to make sure you have your pct in order so you should post here: Anabolic Steroid Forum tell them your cycle plans and go from there. Just don't want to get into it all here because this is the Chemical forum ;)

I am currently on trt
I just started dosing tren and test, should I continue my trt dosage as well as my additional test dosage? Dosing 400 tren n 400 test per dosage