tren, prop, eq


New member
i was thinking of putting 200mgs of each into one solution... will it work? it's tren ace btw. i was thinking 3%ba and 10%bb.
200mg tren a and 200mg prop prolly gonna hurt. then you dbl the concentration and it is deffinatley gonna hurt. thats 400mg/ml short ester gear (ouch). then you add another 200mg/.33ml and you got crippling pain more than likely. easiest thing to do is make them seperate and draw up together in same syringe. tren a at 200mg/ml almost killed me. very painful. eq goes 400mg/ml no prob pain free. id make the tren and prop at 100 and the eq at 400. then mix in syringe. you only got d 1 shot a week of eq.
Im not too sure you could get that into solution without using a lot (emphisis on lot) of solvents. Even then, it would knock you on ur ass. Take pb's advice.
i changed my mind. here's the deeleo on making this 600mg/ml concoction.

10g prop
10g tren a
10g eq oil.

add these to beaker. then add 1ml ba and 10ml bb. add app 13ml oil. heat on hot plate til it all dissolves together. stir let cool abit and filter. there you have it. tren/eq/prop 50ml @ 600mg/ml. bake for an hour at 275f if you like. let cool and fire away. let us know how it goes.
guys this will work trust me. =0) it may have a slight bite to it but what the hey, we all men here.

i am bettingn that it will hold esp with the eq in there. its really only 400mg/ml powder. it should hold no prob with 22% solvent.

waiting for the results. =0l
grafix-gnc said:
lol, "crash test", did ya plan that one? lol... god i could use a little more alcohol :)

if you get drunk can i come over and play. i got some everclear if you run out of booze.
me and graphy go way back. we pulled one together last spring. we ll he pulled it and i pushed it. =0)

we played dead guy and live guy games.