Trenbolone enanthate??


New member
Now I do that it has a longer half life but am I to believe that it is just as strong as tren ace and just stays around a day or 2 longer? BTW.... I am currently cycling Tren E 75mg EOD and test phenylpropionate 150mg EOD

Also I have not ever run tren before.... from what i am reading I should see some major body changing results no?
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The active life of tren enanthate is approximately 14 days as opposed to tren acetate which is 2 or 3 days.
Are you already running the tren e?

If not, I would recommend using tren ace first, but if you are already running the tren be it. I would think 100mg EOD would be better...but some see results at the dose you mentioned. Most folks that run tren e use 400mg or so per week. Since this is your first run with tren, I understand your reasoning with going so low.

BTW, Bootsy nailed the times for you, so I just skipped that part.

Good luck with it.
Aboot said:
The active life of tren enanthate is approximately 14 days as opposed to tren acetate which is 2 or 3 days.
Swellin said:
Are you already running the tren e?

If not, I would recommend using tren ace first, but if you are already running the tren be it. I would think 100mg EOD would be better...but some see results at the dose you mentioned. Most folks that run tren e use 400mg or so per week. Since this is your first run with tren, I understand your reasoning with going so low.

BTW, Bootsy nailed the times for you, so I just skipped that part.

Good luck with it.
Thanks for the help guys! I dont mean to ask same questions on here but I am just tryin to know what is fixing to happen to me and my body due to the fact that everywhere I read that tren is really potent. But yes thank you again!!
firemandgs said:
Now I do that it has a longer half life but am I to believe that it is just as strong as tren ace and just stays around a day or 2 longer? BTW.... I am currently cycling Tren E 75mg EOD and test phenylpropionate 150mg EOD

Also I have not ever run tren before.... from what i am reading I should see some major body changing results no?

why not just do one injection of 250EW save on the amount of jabs?
why not just do one injection of 250EW save on the amount of jabs?
well i gotta do the test eod so i might as well..... but ya do have a good point.....also call me kinda f**ked up but i look forward to the days i shoot..... it keeps me on track in my mind and really motivated.
firemandgs said:
well i gotta do the test eod so i might as well..... but ya do have a good point.....also call me kinda f**ked up but i look forward to the days i shoot..... it keeps me on track in my mind and really motivated.

I personally would rather be injection 1ml EOD rather then 2 and then only have to do 2ml once per week. I personally believe the less you have to inject the better
I personally would rather be injection 1ml EOD rather then 2 and then only have to do 2ml once per week. I personally believe the less you have to inject the better
I agree but i am kinda in the middle i inject 1.5 cc EOD My tren e is 150 mg as well as the test.
I personally would rather be injection 1ml EOD rather then 2 and then only have to do 2ml once per week. I personally believe the less you have to inject the better

I understand your reasoning for sure, but I have found a marked decrease in sides by running all gear ED or EOD at most. Test e/eq/deca/tren e.....all ED or EOD for me. I don't experience half the sides I do when running them twice a week.

My first run with tren ace ended up with some aggression issues. Since then, I don't really have a problem with it. I have a little bit of a shorter fuse and more of a don't give a fuck attitude.

When I ran tren enanthate, it was a bit different. I never realy got that nasty, just always on edge. A little different than tren ace for me.
Swellin said:

My first run with tren ace ended up with some aggression issues. Since then, I don't really have a problem with it. I have a little bit of a shorter fuse and more of a don't give a fuck attitude.

When I ran tren enanthate, it was a bit different. I never realy got that nasty, just always on edge. A little different than tren ace for me.
yeah i guess its more of an edgy feeling like it wont take me much to get pissed i guess. I am tryin to find a happy Only good thing is i have a gym at work and I can go push out some reps to calm the mind....