trenbotone!! true or not

Rocket Man

New member
There was this other site that was talking about Trenblone in terms of both efficacy and sterility... He said " I don't want people complaining about infections or sickness from using a Vet Product" He recommend GAC's Humatren. So my Question is out of all who use is it just the normal operation to get these type of product's or should I TRY to find some one else to get my grocery list from...

Do you trust the manufacture or yourself more? I would home brew, its easy and you have nothing to worry about as long as you follow sterile technique.
Cool, cool I have heard of that but Now I just need to look up how, With that said do you think that "Vet Products" are out there in abundance for so many to use... For what reason easier to get or and cheaper!!!

I prefer quality UG labs over homemade any day but that's cause I'm not a chemist. But I wouldn't use IP or GAC. That's my opinion though.
Rocket Man said:
"Vet Products" are out there in abundance for so many to use... For what reason easier to get or and cheaper!!!

Just about anything BUT tren/fina, the VET companies charge out the ass for oral or injectable fina.