Trestolone acetate


New member
Ok so who here has experience with this or can vouch for it or even provide any good information on it bi can't find too much about it... Thanks for the help guys!
Well, I've never used it myself but would love to if I could find some from a domestic source. It's got similar effects as tren, but seems to aromatics into estrogen unlike tren. It's also extremely supreme ive to the hpta(possibly most suppressive AAS). The only brand I know for a fact makes it is gp. It looks really good on paper conpared to other AAS. I would say that it's production is still in development so I'd be leiry of buying it.
Purity solutions has it but I'm not sure how their products are even though I know someone who tried their clen and said it was legit
Hahaha I'm thinking about it and yea I read about that and I'm definitely not planning on having them now and may not ever so that might not be an issue lol
Thanks for the link too. I just got done reading it and it sounds like something I would like to give a shot. I have read a lot of people say that they have gotten similar strength gains from trestolone that they got from tren but they said they didn't get that mass that the tren would yield. This doesn't make sense to me since it is also highly anabolic and androgonic?
Thanks for the link too. I just got done reading it and it sounds like something I would like to give a shot. I have read a lot of people say that they have gotten similar strength gains from trestolone that they got from tren but they said they didn't get that mass that the tren would yield. This doesn't make sense to me since it is also highly anabolic and androgonic?

Yeah, same here. Never want kids. Not going to be a contributor to the overpopulation problem lol. Will be anxious to hear the results!
I have tried it , best steroid i have ever used. But very estrogenic, you need to take necessary precautions
Is it a designer or a prohormone that converts into something else. Ie if one was tested for juice would it come back as a positive and if so for what. Exp halodrol breaks down into Turinabol if I am correct which would lead to a positive test for Turinabol. Or would it just come back as high test levels..thanks
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Is it a designer or a prohormone that converts into something else. Ie if one was tested for juice would it come back as a positive and if so for what. Exp halodrol breaks down into Turinabol if I am correct which would lead to a positive test for Turinabol. Or would it just come back as high test levels..thanks

It's not a PH.
Hey fitnesslife4ever I'm trying to reply to your pm but it won't let me bc it says you have to delete some of your inbox messages
Just came off a 10 week run of it and no its not like tren if i had to compare it to anything id say its more like high dose of eq. Strong stuff it will shut you down hard, my boys were almost none existent and the pip is bad a few of my boys ran it with me and we all got swelling at the pin site. I still have slight swelling on my quad from my last pin which was 2 weeks ago. Ill stick to tren from here on out. Oh and i ran the gp version in case anyone is wondering.
It leaned me out a bit but not so much as tren would. I did feel hard and full at the same time, hunger was way up and did gain 8lb. If your looking for a replacement of tren you might be dissapointed, it is good but not that good tren is still at another level.
No not looking to replace it. Looking for it to replace other aas with cycles that don't involve tren. I love tren. I don't get any negative side effects so I consider myself very lucky and I am knocking on wood as I type this to make sure I don't jinx myself lol