

New member
Sorry 2 ask this but am new 2 all this, i have hered you should always train bigger muscles before the smallers ones.
My problem is i train chest on a monday and by the time i finish my triceps usully have quite a pump so i would technically like to rest them until i train triceps specifically on friday, so is it ok 2 do back and biceps on wed, leaving triceps till fri? or should i do it the other way around. Sorry if thats confusing, any help MUCH appreciated.
Thanks in advance Neil
train back and bis together and chest and tris together AT LEAST a day apart

or train chest by itself, back by itself and bis and tris togther all a day inbetween
I think if you are going to train arms with other lifts then you should train back with TRIS and chest with BIS. That way the bis and tris are fresh and you can really hammer them.

I prefer to do a full arms workout on Monday, legs on Tuesday, nothing on Wednesday, Chest/shoulders on Thursday, and back and traps on Friday.
why? you are hammering them when doing back/bis & chest/tris. for some strange reason i just seem to think most back exercises are pull movements that hammer you bis. same goes for push movements with tris.

read read read, educate youself.


Seems to work well for me.
I used to do chest/shoulders

killed me.spent way too quick.Never got a good pump.I change dit up about two weeks ago seems to work well.I alternate.I do a set of tris then a set of bis,and back and forth.Gives them a bit of a break and i get a much better pump.Just thought Id share.
Try an upper body push day every 5-7 days consisting of weighted Dips and/or heavy Benching and Overhead Pressing finishing off with 3-4 sets of your favorite Tri exercise, and I can almost guarantee you'll see your tri's grow if you get plenty of calories, protein and rest.