TRT and FUE Hair Transplantation


New member
Thinking about FUE hair transplantation... currently on TRT and wondering if that will accelerate hair loss.... anyone have any experience with this? how were your results? what kind of costs we looking at?
Well your gonna loose hair even if you do a transplant you probleby already know this

1. This is do to generic factor.

2.yes TRT will accelarete hair loss.

But from time to time you will need more hair transplant either way do to TRT or genes
TRT can (and probably will) accelerate hairloss in the typical male pattern baldness areas. The idea of FUE is to transplant follicles that are not androgen sensitive from the sides and back of head to the MPB areas of the scalp. Those follicles should not fall victim to TRT, but I would carefully research how many men are unhappy about their FUE scars before going that route.
I would definitely as your provider who is going to be performing the procedure how DHEA or Tesosterone will effect this. Very unlikely it will effect this, however it is definitely a possibility. of course genetics play a large role in the predisposition of hair loss so this is important to factor in.

Please update what they say, very good question.

Dr. B
Hair loss condition due to Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) may vary from person to person. To assess the impact of TRT on your hairs you should know your testosterone levels at the start. FUE hair transplant will restore your hairs but you may lose hairs due to TRT. I will suggest you to consult with a doctor or take an opinion about the impact of TRT on your hairs from an expert dermatologist.
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testosterone Plays an important role in hair growth. However, It may vary from person to person & coming to the FUE hair transplant it will help you to restore your hair on the bald areas. Basically, It is one of the safest methods for hair transplant. However, I may suggest you consult any doctor for the same if you are having issues of hair loss due to TRT.