TRT and libido problems..........


New member
First of all, thanks to everyone here for all the great information. I've been lurking here for a year while I've been doing my research and getting my TRT dialed in.

I'm 37 years old, 5'8", 180lbs, never exercise. I'm on TRT strictly because I want to sling my meat like I did when I was 20. Even after 6 months on TRT, my sex drive sucks, and hasn't improved at all. I want sex about once every 5-7 days. I want to hit it daily or every other day like I did when I was 20. I'm getting my TRT from my doctor, but I'm also adding extra test that I'm getting from well reviewed sources. Here's my protocol

140mg Cyp twice per week
0.35mg Anastrozole twice per week
500 iu HCG twice per week

Here's labs that were taken last week

1986 Total Test
25.7 Estradiol, Sensitive
<0.2 LH
0.5 FSH

Also, my girlfriend says my balls are squishy. I would think that my dose of HCG would be perfect, but if my balls are squishy, then it's not working. Is that causing my low sex drive to not improve? I thought that with a huge test level, sex drive would go crazy, regardless of HCG usage or not. You read on the forums all the time about guys taking 750mg of test per week, and just walking around with a constant boner. Also, the HCG comes directly from my doctor's compounding pharmacy, so it's not fake junk.

My sex drive has been low like this for years, and taking TRT hasn't changed it at all. Any advice on how to make my sex drive explode? or at least get to a semi-normal level?
Milton- Thanks for the welcome. I've literally never used any anabolic agent before.

IMT Staff- I was wondering if less test would be better. CBC and CMP were normal, with just a couple of values 1 point above the normal limit (RBC- 6.19, RDW- 15.8, Creatinine- 1.28). Those few are just barely outside of normal ranges. I didn't get lipids this time. My initial, pre-TRT lipids were normal.
First of all, love this site! I am addicted! Have learned sooooo much here. And you can too.. (This is also my first time posting too)
But to your problem... I too am in almost the exact same situation as you. Only I am just over 40. My situation is the exact same (doc prescribed cyp, hcg, doc monitors me with blood work, etc...) except one thing... I have been doing 220mg of cyp two times a week (with the same thought as you... More has to be better!!) & I also had bloods ran about a month & 1/2 ago with same LH & FSH readings (Which my doc does not monitor by the way). I am trying to find info on the best way to raise my LH / FSH levels.
It sounds like I need to drop down to my prescribed test only (220mg cyp / week) for starters (which I planned on doing before I go back in for docs blood work to maintain test prescription). Oh and he has me on a thyroid health pill once every morning too.
I have also done one thing different than you, I have bought some liquid CIA (liquified cialis). This has made a big (huge) difference in my libido, strength of erections, sensitivity ... Everything down stairs! Thank GOD for this stuff!! Also gives good pumps while working out at the gym!! You can find plenty of info here on this stuff. I recommend it for sure.
But having said this, I still want to get back to my normal levels on LH / FSH so if anyone could give pointers on this it would be great!
There are some very knowledgable gents on here & I am glad to have access to them & this site.
First of all, love this site! I am addicted! Have learned sooooo much here. And you can too.. (This is also my first time posting too)
But to your problem... I too am in almost the exact same situation as you. Only I am just over 40. My situation is the exact same (doc prescribed cyp, hcg, doc monitors me with blood work, etc...) except one thing... I have been doing 220mg of cyp two times a week (with the same thought as you... More has to be better!!) & I also had bloods ran about a month & 1/2 ago with same LH & FSH readings (Which my doc does not monitor by the way). I am trying to find info on the best way to raise my LH / FSH levels.
It sounds like I need to drop down to my prescribed test only (220mg cyp / week) for starters (which I planned on doing before I go back in for docs blood work to maintain test prescription). Oh and he has me on a thyroid health pill once every morning too.
I have also done one thing different than you, I have bought some liquid CIA (liquefied cialis). This has made a big (huge) difference in my libido, strength of erections, sensitivity ... Everything down stairs! Thank GOD for this stuff!! Also gives good pumps while working out at the gym!! You can find plenty of info here on this stuff. I recommend it for sure.
But having said this, I still want to get back to my normal levels on LH / FSH so if anyone could give pointers on this it would be great!
There are some very knowledgeable gents on here & I am glad to have access to them & this site.

Welcome to the site!
For starters, you CANNOT change your LH/FSH. These are hormones that are released by the pituitary gland, and cease when you introduce exogenous test into your body. This is normal.

OP: Compounding pharmacy product is not guaranteed efficacious. I know we all want to believe they would be, but I'm constantly seeing reports of them selling diluted or even fake AAS/ancillary medications. I'm not saying that's the case here, but keep that in mind.

I'd back off the AI a bit. While 25pg/ml is healthy, your body may like more, which is easy enough to control. There's also the fact that there are many factors outside hormonal reactions that bring about a lack of desire.

"Squishy testes" isn't something I would look very deeply into by the way. Atrophy of the testes brings them close to your abdomen, and they simply decrease in size. Why she's giving you the Kung Fu grip on the hardy boys is something you may want to also give some thought to.

The only other thing I can think of (if hematocrit is within range) is your DHT is sub optimal. As we're in the TRT section, I'm going to have to suggest you inquire with your doc about having this tested, but I also caution you for taking additional testosterone, as popping high on a hormone panel is a sure fire way to get that script yanked from under you.

My .02c :)