type of music you listen to at the gym


just a Lil guy!!!
Well I used to listen to hip hop. I mean hip hop not rap and some rock. Now something clicked and all I listen to is metal when I get my swell on!! Not sure how this happened. Lol
I like different music for different muscle groups.
Legs il usually have some slow hard rock or dub, really helps with squats.

mostly listen to hip hop or metal, and some house when doing sprints.

Looking good there man, you still on cycle?
Nope. Eating like a Sumo wrestler!! Lol thanks bro. Im getting shit together for my next cycle now. Test e and deca. Yummy
I listen to French pop music.

LoL, actually usually some kind of techno/rock. I prefer to lift in silence, but ever since I developed Tinnitus silence is a fake word to me.
Lol French pop. I have to listen to music or ill kill someone. A lot of I think im huge guys and I talk to everyone at the gym guys. I can't stand that.