UFC 47 rumors


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RUMORED Card for UFC 46 - January 31st - Mandalay Bay
Randy Couture vs Vitor Belfort
BJ Penn vs Matt Hughes
Frank Mir vs. Wes Sims
Lee Murray vs Jorge Rivera
Josh Thomson vs Hermes Franca
Joe Doerksen vs TBA
Pete Spratt vs Karo Parisyan
Javier Vazquez vs. Matt Serra

Frank Mir vs Tim Sylvia
Tito Ortiz vs Chuck Liddell
Duane Bang Ludwig vs TBA
Ken Shmarock vs TBA

I can't wait to see Sylvia fight again. He is now one of my favorites to watch. I would love to see him get the title back. Establish his dominance in UFC, then do a cross promotional gig at Pride and face Nog or Fedor.
The tito/chuck match should be a great fight. Too bad its happening two years too late. Tito fell off his pedistal and Chuck's been sort of exposed as weak againt the gnp. Last year these guys were ranked #1 and 2 in the world. Some sites had Chuck as number one. One year passes and Tito is ranked #3 and Chuck is ranked #5.
On UFC 46, I can't really predict the Randy/Vitor fight. I've seen Vitor loose against Randy and Chuck, but look great against Eastman. True, "The Beastman" isn't in the same league as Chuck or Randy, but Vitor's performance has for sure rejuvinated his career, enough to grant him a title shot! On one hand, I would love to see Randy win and for UFC to finally have a dominate champ that doesn't walk (besides Hughs of course). I just mean in the same weight categories as the big boy Pride. Then see a Randy/Silva fight. But, I would also love to see Vitor get the LHW belt and fight the winner of the Tito/Chuck fight. The possibilities are endless with the LHW division. Too bad Pride doesn't have an under 185 division to give Hughs compitition (Bushido does not!), and UFC really needs to beef up ist HW division. Ricco dropped the ball, Rizzo can't cut it either, he is too boring and his best days are over. Its Sylvia and that's it.