I am banned!
Went to donate blood today but was rejected due to high blood pressure, 182/106..
I do have hyper tension and normally 145/90.
I'll be going to the doc and getting bloods done.. I have been cruising on 400 mg test and 400 mg deca for a little over a month.. I just added NPP 300 mg a week and Dbol at 30 mg a day.. My AI is ran at .5mg M/W/F.. I was gonna get e2 checked in a few weeks to see where it stands and adjust from there.
I don't feel like I'm holding a ton of water.. But this spike in BP is basically just now happened sense starting the Dbol and NPP only a week ago.
Picked up a diuretic on the way home.
- Thoughts on abandoning the whole cycle and get the hypertension under control
- just drop the Dbol for now which may be the issue,, until I get my e2 levels back and know if this is a water retention issue
- modify cycle with other, less aromatizing, compounds I have .. Maybe run a low dose of test, with NPP, primo and mast
I do have hyper tension and normally 145/90.
I'll be going to the doc and getting bloods done.. I have been cruising on 400 mg test and 400 mg deca for a little over a month.. I just added NPP 300 mg a week and Dbol at 30 mg a day.. My AI is ran at .5mg M/W/F.. I was gonna get e2 checked in a few weeks to see where it stands and adjust from there.
I don't feel like I'm holding a ton of water.. But this spike in BP is basically just now happened sense starting the Dbol and NPP only a week ago.
Picked up a diuretic on the way home.
- Thoughts on abandoning the whole cycle and get the hypertension under control
- just drop the Dbol for now which may be the issue,, until I get my e2 levels back and know if this is a water retention issue
- modify cycle with other, less aromatizing, compounds I have .. Maybe run a low dose of test, with NPP, primo and mast