Unable to donate blood due to high BP - abandon cycle or adjust it


I am banned!
Went to donate blood today but was rejected due to high blood pressure, 182/106..
I do have hyper tension and normally 145/90.

I'll be going to the doc and getting bloods done.. I have been cruising on 400 mg test and 400 mg deca for a little over a month.. I just added NPP 300 mg a week and Dbol at 30 mg a day.. My AI is ran at .5mg M/W/F.. I was gonna get e2 checked in a few weeks to see where it stands and adjust from there.

I don't feel like I'm holding a ton of water.. But this spike in BP is basically just now happened sense starting the Dbol and NPP only a week ago.
Picked up a diuretic on the way home.

- Thoughts on abandoning the whole cycle and get the hypertension under control

- just drop the Dbol for now which may be the issue,, until I get my e2 levels back and know if this is a water retention issue

- modify cycle with other, less aromatizing, compounds I have .. Maybe run a low dose of test, with NPP, primo and mast
cialis helped me..

i got booted from donating, my hematocrit was already borderline for them taking blood form me without a dr order

i panicked.. which didn't help

buddy gave me half a valium, bp came right down and i was properly drained.

after that i ran cialis, bp wasn't an issue again

good luck man, sorry you're dealing with that
Did they confirm bp with a manual cuff etc? You prob already know how crazy the electric machines are. Cialis is good recommendation too
I took cialis about 3 hours before going to donate..

It's just odd cause it wasn't all that high a few days ago,, suddenly today I wake up and check it and it's way higher then it was (and that just so happens to be the day of the local blood drive)..

The only thing I've changed in the last week was adding Dbol, NPP, proviron
Beyond cialis, prenvinil and lisinopril will help but shouldn't be relied on long term...you need to figure out what's at the root of the problem obviously

I'd probably panic too and (not advisable) run some dyazide or similar...but you're better off seeking out actual BP meds in the short term, possibly adjusting your AI dosage or just dropping the aromatizing compounds altogether
Dbol is probably your problemI take a lot of different natural supplements for my blood pressure and they seem to Help a lot but I always take blood pressure meds before going and giving blood just in case
Just go to the doctor and get on a BP med like clonidine. Atleast for now, so u wouldn't have to sacrifice ur cycle.
Your BP scares me bro. I hope that shit drops man. No negative BP sides? You gotta get some shit prescribed and just draw your own blood. Find a way not to cut the cycle but don't kill yourself boss.
Geez, you were barely over the 100 diastolic too. I'm really curious about your estradiol, because you're not running anything crazy at all. If you're sitting down for an hour or so, apply some pressure to the area right above your ankles - do your fingers leave an impression?

Just to get it done, I'd skip the dbol for a day and cut out carbs. The next morning you should be dried out a bit, which should get you in the donation chair.

I'm pretty sure you do take them, but if not, 4g of fish oil will also help bring blood pressure down. I was able to get my wife completely off bp meds by talking her into trying the fish oil.

My .02c :)
Geez, you were barely over the 100 diastolic too. I'm really curious about your estradiol, because you're not running anything crazy at all. If you're sitting down for an hour or so, apply some pressure to the area right above your ankles - do your fingers leave an impression?

Just to get it done, I'd skip the dbol for a day and cut out carbs. The next morning you should be dried out a bit, which should get you in the donation chair.

I'm pretty sure you do take them, but if not, 4g of fish oil will also help bring blood pressure down. I was able to get my wife completely off bp meds by talking her into trying the fish oil.

My .02c :)

My fingers leave an impression no matter where I press .. Why ankles,,?
My fingers leave an impression no matter where I press .. Why ankles,,?

It's an area where edema (swelling) from a pooling of body fluids is most prominent. Good news is that if you're seeing some good indentations there, it's water retention and can be fixed.

Sounds like you're lucky just like me, and aromatize like a summofabitch from dbol. I'm just surprised that 1.5g of adex didn't keep it at bay.
Arginine & Cialis!

For sure... you see me posting these two for erections but they both help BP.

I was on BP medicine and stopped taking it after changing professions - no insurance.

The only difference was that I added L-Arginin 6-8 caps of 900mg a day and now
my blood pressure is great!!!

I'm about to go into a tren and dbol cycle so this will be a good test to see if I
can still keep it under control with the L-Arginin?

Be careful Roush... "we want to keep you around for a while!"
I'd say it's the dbol out of all of those... Me personally, dbol gives me nosebleeds and makes me look full as fuck - my BP is jacked on it too.
It's an area where edema (swelling) from a pooling of body fluids is most prominent. Good news is that if you're seeing some good indentations there, it's water retention and can be fixed.

Sounds like you're lucky just like me, and aromatize like a summofabitch from dbol. I'm just surprised that 1.5g of adex didn't keep it at bay.

Halfwit forgot to tell you the bad news. It is edema from high estrogen.

Try running (not jogging) a couple of miles. Your calves will feel like they are on fire. Bringing your estradiol down by getting off the Dbol should help.