Underground Labs M1T @ bulknutrition instock

is there any way i can buy M1t in stores like the vitamin shoppe becasue they have almost everything??
slick13 said:
is there any way i can buy M1t in stores like the vitamin shoppe becasue they have almost everything??
If you want Underground Labs M1T, there are only a hand full of sites that sell it that I am aware of. Ebay is another option - there is usually some there.

Vitamin Shoppe sells Methyl-1-Test by VPX (Vital Pharmaceuticals Inc.) But it is expensive shit.

Just grab a bottle of Underground Labs M1T for $15 shipped.
The site still has it for sale.

Did anyone here pick any up today or yesterday?
I picked some up today. Now I need someting for my post cycle therapy. What should I take, how do I take it and where do I get it? Thanks.

I just ordered 6 bottles from 1fast400.com
For the price you cant beat the underground stuff....Probably wont start it for awhile though
Wes said:
I picked some up today. Now I need someting for my post cycle therapy. What should I take, how do I take it and where do I get it? Thanks.

For post cycle therapy (pct) I would use nolva @ 20-40mg a day

If you are doing 2 weeks of M1T then take at least 2 weeks off. If you are doing four weeks of M1T, do post cycle therapy (pct) for at least 4 weeks etc.

You can get nolva on the internet through most online pharmacies. Or most steroid sources also have that stuff for sale.

6-OXO is recommended by bulknutrition

I would look into this http://proteinfactory.com/store/product_info.php?products_id=110