Unofficial Log SR9009 from SarmSearch


New member
Day 1:

Weight: 111 kgs
Diet: Going Keto for 1 month and today was my last day where I had some carbs (Breakfast only)
Goal: To drop as much BF% as possible while maintaining muscle in order to win a competition

Today was a non-training day.

I woke up with very little sleep and was hoping that this would be a pick-me-up. I didn't get a pick-me-up. In fact, 3 hours later when I took my second dose of 5mg, I was sleepy enough that I took a nap. A good nap. But I was a little surprised that there was no 'kick' to it. Maybe I misread somewhere that there was a kick to it. Maybe I'm wrong or maybe it takes time.

The taste, well, it's like taking a small sip of an alcoholic beverage you don't really like. It kinda burns. But, if you've ever had shots of alcohol then you should have no problem downing this stuff in the small amounts you dose at.

I know that these are liquids, but if it were possible to put into capsules and still have them as 'research chems' it would be way easier for this particular chem.

Here's hoping more happens throughout the week and month.

ETA: I bought my bottle from SS a couple of months back. They aren't paying me and I got nothing for free. This is just my experience using this chem.
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Day 2:

Today was a non-training day.

I took all my SR9009 for the day and it was the same as day 1. No change in feelings or energy. Not sure if this is normal or not. I'm going to weigh in in a week and see where I'm at.
How many mgs a day you are taking? I had to stop taking SR-9009 bc of the hunger issue. I was trying to cut but I couldn't do it lol

You may feel the kick in next week...
I'm doing 20mg per day. 5 mg every 4 hours.

So far zero added hunger. I'm feeling normal.

While I don't think it has anything to do with the SR, my knees are feeling are feeling a bit ached. I neef some fish oil.
Day 3:

First day training, and first time training with zero carbs. I had NO energy. I did take a preworkout that kicked in about 20 minutes into the session but as far as the SR9009, so far nothing to write home about. I was up and out of the house at 6am, took my first dose at 7am. I hit the gym around 9.30am.
30mg a day made me wanna eat my arms after a HUGE meal. I was still crawing lol and it definitely made it difficult to cut.

I know it sucks many company's bottles comes 20mg/ml in an 30ml. It just makes it more expensive to have an 8 weeks cycle. But I got an extra bottle so I was doing 30mg a day.

I would say you still will feel some kick in, but ofc not as much as 30mg a day. I heard many times that 30mg a day is the sweet point.

Good luck
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How much concern do you have taking this with the data that is out there as far as prars and the role they play in cancer cell growth etc? I know there was some specific info re GW and this but it is known and proven that prar's in general definitely play a role in cancer cell proliferation and growth. Now if your cancer free im not so sure there is any need for concern but that stuff always scares me a bit. I was wondering your thoughts on that topic when weighing in on deciding to take SR9009?

Everything gives you cancer these days. Isn't there a warning label on some soda cans warning against possible cancer issues?

My thoughts are that if a month on SR9009 or GW, if I were to get sick, I would be one unlucky mofo. But then I'd use that story to warn others. I still haven't heard of anyone using these chems and then coming back saying they now have cancer. If I'm the first one, then I'll be sure to let everyone know.

Last year I found a lump in my shoulder. The doctor said that it was (Based on shape and smoothness) not cancer, but I was put through all the tests to see if I had any cancer in my body just in case. They found nothing and told me I was healthy. The lump could be removed if it was causing pain, but it wasn't/isn't so I'll let it sit there until it becomes a cosmetic issue...then suddenly I'll have 'pain'.

I feel a lot safer taking these products than something like DNP.

Still, as a bit of a hypochondriac, things like this can play on my mind but they pass. Not sure if that answers your question or not.
Day 3:

First day training, and first time training with zero carbs. I had NO energy. I did take a preworkout that kicked in about 20 minutes into the session but as far as the SR9009, so far nothing to write home about. I was up and out of the house at 6am, took my first dose at 7am. I hit the gym around 9.30am.

Yeah, 1st day and zero shocker there, lol. As far as results, what are you mainly seeking? What would you consider as above average in terms of final results from the SR9009?
Yeah, 1st day and zero shocker there, lol. As far as results, what are you mainly seeking? What would you consider as above average in terms of final results from the SR9009?

I may have read wrong, but I thought that with a boost in metabolism that there would be a boost in energy, some heat (DNP like) after taking my a certain degree. Perhaps it takes time.

While on, I figured that weightloss would progress more rapidly while still giving me energy to get through my training and cardio, even with the lack of calories/carbs. This, compared to no SR9009.

Right now I'm on a cut (Have been for 2 years after a 35 year bulk). This month I'm in a much stricter caloric deficit and using a keto diet (With 3J). This month is to try and drop as much bf% as possible while maintaining as much LBM as possible (I'm on TRT so that kinda helps).

I knew not to expect much the first couple of days as far as how I would look physically. However, I thought there would be something as far as me 'feeling' it within the first few days. Not sure what, but I thought something.

It's almost the end of Day 3:

I did back today and barely had energy to get through cardio (I blame the lack of carbs). However, I'm not feeling hungry and it seems as though my appetite is very well controlled. I do have a business dinner tonight, which I can't get out of and can't choose food/drinks. That'll be a bump in the road, but we're still at the beginning of the month.
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To elaborate more on what I expect on vs off SR9009:

On, I would expect more drastic drop in body fat percentage (I know diet is key, and I've got 3J for that). It's still too early to know if this is happening.
On, I would expect more energy during training/cardio. Compared to last week, my cardio has been rough. I time my dose so that I have 1x dose first thing in the morning and 1x dose pre-workout.
On, I was thinking that with an increase in energy expenditure that I would be craving more food (Not a good thing) but so far my diet seems to be filling enough.
On, I hope that by the end I would have dropped more bf% total than if I had not been running SR9009

Everything gives you cancer these days. Isn't there a warning label on some soda cans warning against possible cancer issues?

My thoughts are that if a month on SR9009 or GW, if I were to get sick, I would be one unlucky mofo. But then I'd use that story to warn others. I still haven't heard of anyone using these chems and then coming back saying they now have cancer. If I'm the first one, then I'll be sure to let everyone know.

Last year I found a lump in my shoulder. The doctor said that it was (Based on shape and smoothness) not cancer, but I was put through all the tests to see if I had any cancer in my body just in case. They found nothing and told me I was healthy. The lump could be removed if it was causing pain, but it wasn't/isn't so I'll let it sit there until it becomes a cosmetic issue...then suddenly I'll have 'pain'.

I feel a lot safer taking these products than something like DNP.

Still, as a bit of a hypochondriac, things like this can play on my mind but they pass. Not sure if that answers your question or not.

No it does, you weighed it out and decided you were comfortable taking it , thats all. I was just wondering. I think as I get older I become more concerned with this type stuff for myself, thats all. I appreciate the response man. Best of luck with your log!
Alright, so I'm about to head to bed. My last dose is right before bed. I would expect this to keep me up, but I already feel like I'm about to pass out.

I don't really have to wake up early tomorrow but since I want to hit the gym before work, the plan is to wake up early. I will have my SR9009 on hand, bedside, and see if it starts to act as a pick-me-up or not.

Dosing is a PAIN...please find a way to put this into pill form so that I can more easily carry it around and take it with fewer eyes wondering what the fook I'm doing. I had one friend ask if I was 'doping'. He was joking of course. I told him it was an 'American supplement' to which I got the 'Of course, you crazy westerners' type response.
Day 6:

I have no idea if it's SR9009 but I woke up this morning with more energy than normal, especially considering the amount of sleep I had compared to normal. I was also a bit more energetic and getting stuff done throughout the day. My cardio sessions are still hurting due to the lack of carbs, and I try to time my SR9009 dose to be pre-workout. Not getting a kick. And, this could still all be just a mental thing. I will be weighing in Sunday or Monday.
how long does it take for sr to start taking effect/ results start to get noticed? I know everyone is different but curious if others have any input
how long does it take for sr to start taking effect/ results start to get noticed? I know everyone is different but curious if others have any input

I'd been keen on hearing what the vets on this research chem have to say about that.
Mini update: I'm still less than a week in so it's hard to say if anything is working. I will say my left knee (meniscus tear, no surgery options, just pain management) is hurting more than usual. From what I've read (vets chime in if I'm wrong) that joint pain is common.

Other effects, such as energy, are not yet present. And I'll say it again, I wish these could be research capsules instead, as dosing would be easier and less conspicuous.