upping deca dose any advantages?

You waste 100's and 100's of dollars on expensive tren and dont know how to utilize it for growth.

Lmao not gonna argue with a fatty clown
Get your diet in order bruh
Chicks dont like fat dudes that think they are big but just covered in layers of fat once they tske there tarp off
Mr diablo
Pizza power bullshit
For a 300lbs dude in that video u have no v taper what so ever meaning u eat like garbage and it shows
Awww well your a powerlifter right
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Lmao not gonna argue with a fatty clown

Seriously how do you take tren eat clean and look mediocre? Fuck man your training really sucks call me what you want idm dint think your that delusional and dint realize i look better than you
Listen we all have dif goals we all trying to be mr right
Do we look like average dudes walking into a grocery store fuck no
Now we have this crowd of meatballs incl myself
We all tryibg to one up on each other
So be it if ya cant take alittle heat then fuck it move on to the next thread
Ology tough crowd and like grunt did posted bs and he got bs back as well
As far as ny daughter goes i am a good dad its woman or men that use there children as fuxkin weapons to hurt them but thats another ballgame as i dont involve my family into this
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Seriously how do you take tren eat clean and look mediocre? Fuck man your training really sucks call me what you want idm dint think your that delusional and dint realize i look better than you
Honestly havent run tren since feb
I got sick of the tren cough post injection bs but myself have only ran ace not e so i might give tren e a go and see what that has to offer as i hated pinning everyday or eod and or tren cough was shit
Mind ya too i switched labs about a year and half ago and the orevious lab was so so not the best.and thats not only coming from myself
I havr no issues with this current lab i am using
There tren was i believe powder form not pellets
As the colour of the tren was like a goldish colour and never once did i get tren cough of it once
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Higher doses generally mean better gains, but a higher risk of negative sides. i have heard vets say deca dick is a myth, but when I use deca even at low doses I have problems.

You are already running a robust cycle and should be making nice gains as it is.

Matt completely misses Paul's point in the end....

You should be making gains...

And cherry picks the beginning. This shows that Matt has very poor logic skills. Paul basically presents two opposing thoughts... yes u can gain on a larger dose .....you don't need more cause Ur on enough gear...
A sign of intelligence is being able to hold 2 opposing thoughts in your head at the same time. Using logic will help make the decision between the two.
This is not happening in matts cranium retention basin.

So that's what we are dealing with here.
You javent even been here a year and have no idea the sgit matt has said to me plus its true

Ive been on here for over a year man I dunno why my join date says that and your Right I don't know what Matt has said to you but I think it's fairly obvious that Matt from another planet he's not the sharpest tool in the shed he probably went madd after being on tren for a whole year .its obvious that Matt has the mentality of a 14 year old boy the pictures he post prove my point without even reading one of his post it takes a bigger man to walk away
The tren was bunk then ...that's why you've no gains. It's always the gear, never the training or lack thereof.
Next run I'd get some Winny Anadrol and dbol make it a cocktail. Then snort it. That should bring on dem gains that have been so elusive for the last couple years bro
Old Matt still looking for that magical formula....ever get those GH levels checked Matt ?
Why arent you pinning GH ? Youve slammed enough test/tren/deca to put down a bull rhino wheres the GH ?
Old Matt still looking for that magical formula....ever get those GH levels checked Matt ?
Why arent you pinning GH ? Youve slammed enough test/tren/deca to put down a bull rhino wheres the GH ?

Couple some slin and 250-260 is easy peasy

I'm not going to go thru and quote everyone of your retarded posts, the stuff you type out is so illiterate and wild that I don't care to re-read or quote it, makes my head spin. Nor is it worth the time to quote all the stupidity because I'm fixing to go have a nice day with my wife and children... pumpkin patch is up and running!!

I feel as if you do not read at all, like at all... you would likely struggle with a children's book - one fish, two fish, red fish blue fish? I say this because you seem to only read certain sentences and then dwell to the depths of the fucking Atlantic ocean on it. If you go through and read what I said to you then you would see I was never actually mean or put you down until you got super cocky, I even included a giant note in my post that I know I have much work to do so you can harp on my body fat all you want. I left all your other Jerry Springer ass threads alone because I gave you the benefit of the doubt but then once I seen you ignoring solid advice I seen why people fuck with you, this does include the advice I gave you about seeing your daughter. Now I won't sit here and call you a bad father because I'm sure you already know everything you are but I highly doubt you filed papers for visitation, the fact your still blasting shit when your girl knows your AAS use shows you haven't done anything.

I made two simple comments to you, none of which we're actually mean - everything was realistic; I suggested you do not fast for 16 hours (this should be common sense, especially when bulking), and I also said that you should not be so arrogant because your AAS use does NOT match your results.

I went back and double checked some of your old threads to be sure, I truly don't like to be an asshole either man... and yes I know my physique needs work and I know that but if I were you I would be disappointed with my results for 4 steady years of training and running steroids 2/3's of that time. So back to the point - I found one thread where you mentioned you had been running tren for just shy of a year, okay so figure that in, you ran the mack-daddy of all AAS for triple the time I have been lifting. Next I found a few more threads and/or posts that you had been running 750mg of testosterone for over 6 months and a total of 500mg or more for over a year straight. On average it looks like your cycles are over 6 months each and you cruise of high doses of test, I don't see you ever mention PCT - this is purely retarded and selfish of you as you have a little girl who will need you someday. Do you really think you're going to live a long healthy life with what you're doing? I highly doubt you even get blood work, you're reckless and irresponsible with your use and naïve about your progress related to AAS.

I also discovered through old threads and your posts to me on here that you think you are ripped? This is not true at all, you're body fat is relatively high as well giving the fact you have no visible abs in your stupid selfies (nor do I obviously) and it's clear you're sucking your stomach in. You also have some giant pointy huge nipples, they look like my wife's when she was lactating for my children, again related to your irresponsible AAS use. Your one photo from 2 years ago when you had a diet coach does not count, that was one time only and even in that photo you looked like all you did was curl honestly.

I asked for a back double bi pose photo from you to compare to mine, I think you avoid doing any real poses because you look like ass for the amount of gear you have ran. Maybe you are slightly large but you have no shape and your chest is literally non existent. Had I not seen your posts on here and stumbled across you in person I never would of guessed you had been using steroids honestly. Back to my point, I'm sure your back/bi shit would show some love handles too. Many other men asked to see real pictures and you ignore it and post more stupid selfie angle pictures that show nothing but some flat muscle. Your AVI pic is a fluke, you had a pump and you got lucky with lighting - we've all been there where one pic some how made us look much bigger then we are, your normal photos don't match it at all so it was luck/lighting/angle/mirror trickery. By the way I had no pump in my pictures, I was in the bathroom of the gym taking my son potty prior to taking him to daycare so I had the photo taken quick for my own progress report. The point of my pictures wasn't to say I look great or I'm special because I know I have MUCH work to do, but it was to show you that if you're humble and listen to these people you will make progress. Like stated before there is merely a 3-4 month difference in the pictures and well body fat was still high in pic 2 is was lower than picture 1, there was also an obvious increase in lean mass and size. Scrolling back through your threads you literally look the same from a year ago, all this is well running a gram of gear for a year, I was only on TRT for a few months in mine and still had SOME progress compared to your none.

As someone else stated the other funny part is I had low T for a few years, was never really a weight lifter and also had of ton of other medical issues I suffered from due to injuries. I had major set backs but I didn't just jump on years of gear to try to excel, I waited until time was right and got on TRT and started to lift. Again funny thing is being a complete noob I've still made more progress then you, and don't forget I've never cycled and only lifting for a few months, you've been on for years and lifting for 4 years. I think the AAS blew your ego up.

I see why your old lady left you, pretty obvious now, I'll leave your kid out of this and fathering skills.

In the end no matter how fucking cool you think you are you will never amount to half the man I am, nor most of the men here - you're pretty much a little boy on AAS. And no I'm not talking physique wise, I'm talking about being a real man and being humble, respectful, putting family first, etc. Find a fucking career, seems like you're to old to be doing this titty bar clubbing shit and cheating on your girl with some torn up nasty stripper snatch. What happens when your daughter wants to know what you do for a living? I mean seriously....

********, and you wont see another post from me directed at you I can assure you... my hide is much thicker then yours.
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Grunt.... good post !

Unfortunately for Matt it was too long and too many big words and it requires a certain level of thought process he isnt incapable of.
I think your tactics of refraining from ever writing a post directed to him is a good one and I will do the same.
Grunt.... good post !

Unfortunately for Matt it was too long and too many big words and it requires a certain level of thought process he isnt incapable of.
I think your tactics of refraining from ever writing a post directed to him is a good one and I will do the same.

Thanks brother, and yes it's a lost cause.

I can already see he will write something back like "LOL ok bruh, pussy no problem! go eat pizza fatty!" or some variant, high school level stuff. Wouldn't be surprised if he did a your mom joke lol.

You're looking good in your AVI by the way anzel, nice work man.

Apologies Milton, I will avoid the harsh words in the future.