Urgent clenbuterol help required- females females

Thank you so much for the reply back with the link and the example through the sticky notes. I may have missed something though not sure, If I am trying to convert doasages, if I were to follow your doasage example in sticky otes....a dose of the Keto would be a full ML of the syringe as it is 30 ML of 1 MG/ML used at bed time???

The dose for T3 you reccomend 25mcg but then later say you feel that 50 is enough and max most people want is 75 on average but use of 100 should not be exceeded......if useing a 1 ML syringe, would that by .50???? have I calculated correctly if its 200mcg /ML in the 30 ml bottle????

Whats confusing for me is the doseage of the Albuterol.....6mg/ML and its a 60ml bottle, in a 1ML syringe how much does one draw because at that doseage or concentration would that be 3.5 ML to equal 20 mg. 6mg times 3.5 ml =21 mg????

I want tomake sure I have enough product on hand for 8 wks,, would 2 bottles of each be enough if I have calculated things right.......

I thank you again for your expertise, I think I am ready to go as I have the diet part down, just need to figure oout how to take it and how much to buy and I am good to go. Really feeling positive now that if I start in the next week I should be able to hit my goal with exercise of 2lbs a week maybe a bit more.

How has it been going for you lately?
I am a 43 yr old female, at 5 5 and currently bouncing between 133 to 137, my goal is 125 and holding......I have done bernsteins diet and lost 25 lbs so that is good but I cant seem to loose any more. I started about 3 weeks ago with 200mcg/1ml of Clenbuterol from a reputable peptide company, however I have actually gone from 133 UP to 137. I need help to know what else I can add to my liquid Clen to drop the last 15lbs and fast. I almost 7 weeks left before my big anniverdsary and need to fit into the dress without my thighs and stomach showing in dress. Any advice please.

I would pick up keto from RUI so the clen stays effective for more than only 2ish weeks before needing a break. i would run the clen for 4-5 weeks total with the keto. i would get the clen from RUI also because i can vouch for their quality, not sure what you are using at the moment.
also diet still plays a key roll as you know so stick with it. i find adding 1-2 cheat days where you eat more and what you like actually HELPS fatloss.
otherwise the body seems to stall when forcing a strict diet in a very short time span IMO. and many of the times people end up starving themselves trying to squeeze out a couple more lbs, when just carb cycling would be a better option IMO
Ok so here is one thing most people forget about Clen it makes you hold water. You will drop 7-10 pounds of water after you discontinue the Clen. I'm not a big fan. I use it extensively about 12 years ago.

So I recommend you ad MCT oil to every meal. It will put you into Ketosis. I lost 50 pound with it last year.