Using something first time- whats best?


if a person thats going to the gym for 5 years naturally, and reaches plateau, wants a little boost at the gym with as little damage as possible, what is best to be taken:
-Test only 500mg/week
-or anything else?
How old are you? All the above can cause "damage".

If you've reached a sticking point you need to address your diet and training program if you're scared of "damage"

You can reach sticking points while taking gear also.
It's not for me dou. Lets say we are speaking for a 20 year old. Can he take something to see some small changes? i see many of the young guys taking prohormones, but i wonder is this the safest thing, if they already choose to take something...
It's not for me dou. Lets say we are speaking for a 20 year old. Can he take something to see some small changes? i see many of the young guys taking prohormones, but i wonder is this the safest thing, if they already choose to take something...

At 20 years old you don't want to take any hormones of any kind. You are still developing at that age and messing with your hormones can create problems.

While people generally think prohormones are the lesser of two evils as they are an oral and its commonplace to see young guys taking them, this is nothing but ignorance. If you introduce any exogenous hormones, orals or injectables, your natural testosterone production shuts off. More often than not people do not realize shut down occurs with pH cycles and so they may gain some muscle while takin them but as soon as they are done they lose all their progress and are left feeling like shit. You need testosterone to feel good and function normally, so being shut down is not something you want to experience.

Everyone has to start somewhere, but you obviously don't have any experience with hormone function. Knowledge of the body and the hormones in it are necessary before you go playing around with any steroids. If this is indeed for your friend, please encourage him to focus on proper training and nutrition and leave the hormones alone. However, if this is for yourself as well then please read the stickys on this forum and begin doing LOTS of research before you choose to go down this road. Its important that you understand the consequences before making any decisions.
Wait until around 26 or so - younger than that and the body is still developing. You do NOT want to screw around with that, you can have bad effects for life.
Everyone has to start somewhere, but you obviously don't have any experience with hormone function.
i said i doubt the prohormones are the safest way...obviously the safest way is to take nothing, but at least those young guys could take sarms, since they are not hormones..or maybe if theres someting else effective for beginners
im 27 and im all roided up dou, and sometimes a young guy comes to me aksing what he can take
It's not for me dou. Lets say we are speaking for a 20 year old. Can he take something to see some small changes? i see many of the young guys taking prohormones, but i wonder is this the safest thing, if they already choose to take something...

Creatine and lots of food. Seriously.
From my experience, guys who think they are eating enough, actually aren't eating enough...
Hence the plateau!

'You need to eat A LOT of food, you probably arent eating enough'. 'I eat a TON of food, I dont think you understand'. 'I do understand that you are probably eating a TON but are you growing?' 'Well, no.' 'Then you need to eat more'. 'Ya but I already eat a TON, I cant eat anymore.' ........ Aaggaghhhhhhhhhh. Lol

Seriously though, PresTex hit the nail on the head here.

A 20yo shouldnt be doing anything but trying to get the most out of what his body will provide him. And I can almost guarantee no 20yo has hit a permantent plateau. If he HAD hit a plataue a revamp of nutrition and training is in need. Those two things are both tied for #1 for why guys dont gain or why theyve hit a plateau. Drugs are not needed at 20yo and I believe they will actually hinder gains down the road and mos def fuck a guys hormone system up. A system in mid delevopment needs not to be tampered with. It can cause a lot of unwanted health (physical/mental) risks down the road.
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if a person thats going to the gym for 5 years naturally, and reaches plateau, wants a little boost at the gym with as little damage as possible, what is best to be taken:
-Test only 500mg/week
-or anything else?

if they are going to be using orals or ph's liver support is a good idea mr supps tudca should cover that nicely however like others said wait till your at least 25 to give your body time to grow and develop correctly
i said i doubt the prohormones are the safest way...obviously the safest way is to take nothing, but at least those young guys could take sarms, since they are not hormones..or maybe if theres someting else effective for beginners
im 27 and im all roided up dou, and sometimes a young guy comes to me aksing what he can take

My mistake. I assumed you were the same age and had little experience with this stuff. I see a lot of the "my friend wants to take prohormones" posts and jumped the gun.

If one HAD to take something SARMS are definitely the least damaging to the HPTA. I have no experience with them, but I've read some aren't suppressive at all. But I know Ostarine and LGD can be suppressive so some caution should be exercised. It's far more mild than any pH or injectable though. A lot of people love SARM's but I personally doubt their efficacy, or at least the ability to find quality SARM's.
Yeah 20 is way to young... your buddy has many years ahead of him...

Creatine - proper diet - training to complete failure - rest... "repeat."

Most of the guys here (the smart ones) have learned... you're in this for the long
haul and know how to do it right.

You don't want to screw up your natural testosterone production...
... or end up with a dick that is about as functional as a wet noodle. :Pump:
Take 2 or 3 weeks off :)

At 20 years of age?
I very VERY much doubt that overtraining is the issue here, in fact I'd bet money that it isn't.

A 20yr old will not have developed the mind-muscle connection adequately enough to be hypertrophying his muscles to 100% efficiency.

My guess is primarily diet - he needs to up calories consumed...
and secondly he probably needs to develop his mind-muscle connection better so that the muscle deals with progressive overload efficiently.

If the OP is simply concentrating on moving a weight from A to B and not focusing on the target muscles - he may well have reached the limit that his 'joints' can handle, but his muscle can do more, much more. Combine this with a calorie surplus and you won't fail to bust through any plateau!

Jeez, 20yr old overtraining?
That just isn't possible!