Using steriods for longer then 6 months.

I am on steriods for almost an year and I want to come of, but I wanted to ask you guys if I would recover from it.
I used from the beginning of my cycle HCG 500 iu every 3 days.

If I used hcg for a year straight would I recover 100 procent?

I have tamoxifen and clomid now, how long and what dose should I cycle it? I am going to test my bloodwork after this to look if I recovered but I wanted to ask you guys if there is a good chance that I would recovery almost 100 procent from it.

Thanks in regards
100% -- probably not. But it is possible.

There is also a chance you have done irreversible damage to your HPTA and will need TRT for the rest of your life.

How old are you. What compounds were you running and at what doses?
100% -- probably not. But it is possible.

There is also a chance you have done irreversible damage to your HPTA and will need TRT for the rest of your life.

How old are you. What compounds were you running and at what doses?

125 test e and 300 - 600 tren ace EW.
Now on 500 sust and deca/ NPP .
Going to test my blood after the PCT but I read almost everywhere that HCG is the ''wonder'' drug for pct and you can recover from long cycles

I am 28 years old
125 test e and 300 - 600 tren ace EW.
Now on 500 sust and deca/ NPP .
Going to test my blood after the PCT but I read almost everywhere that HCG is the ''wonder'' drug for pct and you can recover from long cycles

I am 28 years old

Good luck. The simple truth is that the longer you are on the harder it usually is to get restarted. hCG can only do so much. What was your TT at prior to using AAS?
Good luck. The simple truth is that the longer you are on the harder it usually is to get restarted. hCG can only do so much. What was your TT at prior to using AAS?

When I never touched AAS my Test levels where at 21 age 14.3 Mnol. I tested it 3 times and It was ~ in the same range. Normal levels where between 10 - 35. So i had low levels on my own. The doctor disagreed and said my levels where fine.
I am on steriods for almost an year and I want to come of, but I wanted to ask you guys if I would recover from it.
I used from the beginning of my cycle HCG 500 iu every 3 days.

If I used hcg for a year straight would I recover 100 procent?

I have tamoxifen and clomid now, how long and what dose should I cycle it? I am going to test my bloodwork after this to look if I recovered but I wanted to ask you guys if there is a good chance that I would recovery almost 100 procent from it.

Thanks in regards
I was on for the last 7 years no breaks. I came off 8 months ago and I recovered just fine. I am back on again now but I was able to get my test levels well above avg. You just have to know what you are doing my friend. This whole just nolva hcg and clomid bullshit that everyone acts like is the Gospel is a pile of shit. I been posting on forums like this for over 10 years I was the head mod of one of the largest for 7 of them. I been listening to people on this site and others and the worthless amounts of bro-ology that continues to get passed around year after year boggles my mind.
I was on for the last 7 years no breaks. I came off 8 months ago and I recovered just fine. I am back on again now but I was able to get my test levels well above avg. You just have to know what you are doing my friend. This whole just nolva hcg and clomid bullshit that everyone acts like is the Gospel is a pile of shit. I been posting on forums like this for over 10 years I was the head mod of one of the largest for 7 of them. I been listening to people on this site and others and the worthless amounts of bro-ology that continues to get passed around year after year boggles my mind.

What would you do if you where in my situation then bro? Cant find any info or topic about PCT where you gave advice in the search option
^^ I beg to differ...

I have read, heard and spoken personally to guys who have done long cycles, long being 6-12 months with some being on for a few years and blasting hCG and recovering.

The recovery issue comes from the testicles not responding to LH/FSH... IIRC, LH/FSH come on pretty quickly, but the testicles are where it is slow. Using hCG just makes it all easier.

Ofcourse, then there is the odd ball case that just can not recover. But who's to say what they recovered too wasn't their baseline level in the first place...
Everyone is different. We can all provide a different answer based on our own personal experiences, but at the end of the day, your results will differ to the next. For example, one of my close mates who I usually train with once a week was on a HEAVY contest prep cycle FOR 25 WEEKS. A week after his comp, he knocked his mrs up. Go figure. She competes too. He cruises most of the time on a ml a week, but does come off too. He uses a little Nolvadex, but always HCG, and I've seen his bloods. He recovers beautifully. Now, if you or I did that, it may be a different story all together.
^^ I beg to differ...

I have read, heard and spoken personally to guys who have done long cycles, long being 6-12 months with some being on for a few years and blasting hCG and recovering.

The recovery issue comes from the testicles not responding to LH/FSH... IIRC, LH/FSH come on pretty quickly, but the testicles are where it is slow. Using hCG just makes it all easier.

Ofcourse, then there is the odd ball case that just can not recover. But who's to say what they recovered too wasn't their baseline level in the first place...

So if your testicles never shuts down, you would recover fast in your PCT if you cycled for a long time?
I am a curious guy and want to know everything, what i know till now is IF you cycle HCG during you cycle the entire time, your testicles never shuts down, nor shrinks and stil produces testosterone. So if you stop with HCG and do your PCT with nolva and clomid it should recovery 100 procent within months because it never was shut down in the first place for the entire time you cycled, am i correct?
So if your testicles never shuts down, you would recover fast in your PCT if you cycled for a long time?
I am a curious guy and want to know everything, what i know till now is IF you cycle HCG during you cycle the entire time, your testicles never shuts down, nor shrinks and stil produces testosterone. So if you stop with HCG and do your PCT with nolva and clomid it should recovery 100 procent within months because it never was shut down in the first place for the entire time you cycled, am i correct?

No. hCG can't overpower 100% of the effects of AAS use.
This whole just nolva hcg and clomid bullshit that everyone acts like is the Gospel is a pile of shit. I been posting on forums like this for over 10 years I was the head mod of one of the largest for 7 of them. I been listening to people on this site and others and the worthless amounts of bro-ology that continues to get passed around year after year boggles my mind.

Can u elaborate please ?