Using test because I actually have low testosterone. Smart or not?


New member
I have been training for two years and have went from 158 to around 190 pounds. (fat gains lol.. went from probably 9% BF to 20%)

Bench went from 115-175
Squat is around 175...
Deadlift is 250

This is f**cking pathetic.

I trained hard and started with ICF 5x5 while eating 4000 calories (good diet I even had coaching) And got 200 grams of protein a day.

I then realized something was missing.. I went to get blood work done.. 380 test levels at 23 years old... Wtf.. This must be why i'm tired all the time as well..even yawning during workouts.. I don't feel like a man. I have NO aggressive side to me.. It takes a TON to even upset me.

Let's get to the point.. I want to bring my testosterone to the high end of the normal range (maybe a bit higher for a slight advantage) I already have a source for test enanthate..

You guys think I can use this to bring my test levels up to a nice boosted level? Should I really see any side effects? I know test e is one of the "safer" not exactly sure what doctors use.. But if I go through the doctor they will either tell me it's still in the normal range (not for 23 it's not.....) or they will give barely anything to actually get it to the higher end.

Or should I just go all out and do real cycles of test E only.. I'd prefer to just get up to the high end of normal but it it's not worth it i'd just run normal cycles. ANY INFORMATION HELPS!

Anyone recommend something other than test e? I don't want anything super strong and toxic such as dbol.. Light only please..

EDIT- No my test is not low from previous steroid use. I have never used before.
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what is your lifestyle stress nutrition maybe some supplement deficiencies like zinc vitamin D sleep etc etc, try to fix all possible low T causes then think about gear if all fails. Go to doctors if all fail WHEN EVERYTHING FAIL WHEN YOU TRIED EVERYTHING AND NOTHING WORKED THEN THINK ABOUT GEAR because probaly there is no way back then...
as a starting point your BF is high get it lower try intermittent fasting. I also had test levels about same like you yet even then my lifts were better I benched max 120kg deadlifted 195kg squated 120kg
try aswagandha but only goodd brand like solary it really can help and helped me.
Go to lab check thyroid prolactin E2 and cortisol glucose levels.

If you do test then go to 500mg/week no point bullshiting around with lower dose.
I don't have any deficiencies I am actually pretty healthy and have always eaten healthy for the most part.

Thyroid is normal as well..

Why don't you recommend messing with low dosage? However I will go with a 500mg/week if needed. I'm just trying to get very minimal side effects.. I'd like to stay healthy but I absolutely REFUSE to be weak and have a bad body.. I can't even be happy being weak.. I don't know i'm a very prideful person and being weak/out of shape just is not my thing. It actually affects my life.. haha
if you get side effects and you think it's too much you can always come down to lower dose if you control estrogen do blood works then you won't die or have some permanent damage.
or seems you just wanna start TRT that's also fine
but as I said try everything to boost test naturally there are many many causes which may tank T levels like cortisol too high E2 too high body fat too high and so on, bad sleep etc.
I think what he is asking if he should self.medicate himself with a low dose of t
What did your doc recommend when he seen your blood work rsults?
Let's see those results; include estradiol, LH, and FSH please.

Self-medicating comes absolutely last, and you really need to educate yourself before then. You're not even close to ready for that yet, so let's see what you're working with, and go from there.
The term "boost" always reads like a red flag to me.

It's important that you understand that the biggest downside to using steroids is that it will turn off your own testosterone production and there is no guarantee that it will come back.

It is not additive to what your body produces, it replaces it. If you take a very low dose of testosterone, it will still shut off your own production and you could end up lower than before.

The risk vs. reward proposition doesn't seem to remotely add up in your scenario. Why? Because you haven't been training long, you are too young, you clearly haven't come close to achieving what you could without steroids and you don't (yet) know what you are doing.

Ultimately, it's a personal decision.
The term "boost" always reads like a red flag to me.

It's important that you understand that the biggest downside to using steroids is that it will turn off your own testosterone production and there is no guarantee that it will come back.

It is not additive to what your body produces, it replaces it. If you take a very low dose of testosterone, it will still shut off your own production and you could end up lower than before.

The risk vs. reward proposition doesn't seem to remotely add up in your scenario. Why? Because you haven't been training long, you are too young, you clearly haven't come close to achieving what you could without steroids and you don't (yet) know what you are doing.

Ultimately, it's a personal decision.

I already know all of this. But I really DO know a ton about diet and nutrition. I really do know a lot about different hypertrophy/strength routines. I knew all of this before I started lifting. I know what it takes to build muscle bulk/cut. HOWEVER even doing everything correctly (with coaching supervision! and not some crappy coach) I still can't get good results. He is the one who sent me for blood work and he said himself my testosterone could be the cause but that I should still be good better results than I am. I bust my ass in the gym and in the kitchen. I have ALL of the symptoms of low testosterone. I have NO energy and am always tired.. I suffer in the gym. I wouldn't use the word depressed but i'm not a spring flower. However I have the sex drive of a 14 year old virgin. I'm sick and tired of this. The gym is a HUGE part of my life and will be but i'm tired of being left in the dust by all of my friends doing the same damn thing and getting 2-3 times the results..
Let's see those results; include estradiol, LH, and FSH please.

Self-medicating comes absolutely last, and you really need to educate yourself before then. You're not even close to ready for that yet, so let's see what you're working with, and go from there.

gointowin, see the above post. You need full blood work done. There are lot's of variables. 380ng/dl is pretty low imo but I would not just jump on AAS or self-TRT without identifying and trying to resolve the problem first. You may well be able to bring your levels up depending on the problem.

Don't make a rash decision now that will effect you the rest of your life. Do things properly. Get the bloods and start researching lifestyle/dietary changes, restart protocols & AI monotherapy. Always best to avoid TRT if you can. It will still be there for you if you need it.

P.s FYI cycling will make your problem worse.

P.P.S - What time of day did you get the blood drawn?
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I understand cycling will make the problem worse. But this isn't going to be a one cycle deal. I plan on getting serious with it but still keeping the doses low.. I've decided i'm just going to take it normally and get the full blown rewards but still keeping the dosage kind of low 300/mg* or so.

I don't plan on starting until i'm 100% informed and knowledgeable about everything especially post cycle.

I know no one recommends using steroids but I've already decided i'm going to. I will get blood work done first but i'm still going to. So a little guidance would be awesome.
It's not that no one recommends using testosterone if you need it, it's that nobody knows whether or not you need it yet. You've likely got a good chance of getting your natty system up and running to an acceptable level...
I understand cycling will make the problem worse. But this isn't going to be a one cycle deal. I plan on getting serious with it but still keeping the doses low.. I've decided i'm just going to take it normally and get the full blown rewards but still keeping the dosage kind of low 300/mg* or so.

I don't plan on starting until i'm 100% informed and knowledgeable about everything especially post cycle.

I know no one recommends using steroids but I've already decided i'm going to. I will get blood work done first but i'm still going to. So a little guidance would be awesome.

Thats good. And thats why you need to get your blood work that halfwit asked for posted up on here first befor eyou do anything. halfwit and the other guys will be able to give you better advice and out you on the correct path. You plan on cycling but you may have an issue that needs your attention first. If you cycle first then you are making a mistake.