USMC Combat vet just wondering where to get real gear?

yea ive already had a few people inbox me saying buy from this website. etc, i just have no idea who to believe any more. ive been scammed again and again on websites...its getting annoying. :worried:
If you know websites, google website name review and you'll see what ppl say about that source.
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Most scammer websites have negative reviews of them deletedn and the legit ones do the same, so you never know the truth.only if someone honest tells you.
I've had good people on here give great info in the inbox. Yet I agree with what was said, research research research!!! I have yet to get any good gear via website, my best gear has been via private email address. I've also recently discovered it's good to have more than one reputable source.
Best way to get scammed is to do this.

Someone shady can PM you and it could be all bullshit.

Be careful brother and please don't be so blunt
Thank you for you service