USMC Combat vet just wondering where to get real gear?


ive been in the game for some time, broke my wrist last year. getting back into it this year. I have had a few bad experiences ordering from online places, alot of fake gear, underdosed or just placebo.

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What the pirate said. Just check out the rules then ask away(within the constraints of said rules). All will become clear rather soon. Welcome, good luck, and thanks for your service, brother.
Hey hey "devil dog". Welcome to OLOGY bro. Unlike other forums, things are kept closer to the "Kevlar" here. Where most get their gear and who some of the site sponsors are is all around. Make some friends, read all newbie threads and stickies..and certainly check out the new post are for current topics. Thanks for your service brother!!!
Semper Fi brothers!!! I just stumbled onto this thread and can't pass the chance to say something to my fellow "Devils". Not looking to steal kevlarcash2's thunder, but I could use some good advise. I just lost my long time connection and I joined this site to reach out.
wow guys just chill hang out and read a little who knows what you may find patience is key :beertoast
The funny thing is, that while source checks are against the rules, discussing various "brands" is not.
Just look around a little, google the names that are mentioned and you should be all set.
Always some harsh comments in Forums lmao. Boots never see combat BTW , sorry for the blunt questions. noob question i know.
Hey boss, I ain't far away from u in tn, but tha good gear round here ain't hard to find. Check out threads like " who's running OP's test ". You'll see decent feedback then google them
Usually people that say "inbox me I have an awesome source" ..are trying to scam you.especially ones thay only habe 11 posts... be careful brothr