vacuum filteration system

Mr.T said:
I have those stericup filters, and I use that same hand vacuum pump. They work awesome...... I filter 250ml's of oil based solution in under 1 minute.

Switch hands or righty all the way?
now that i understand the system, im undecided if i should get a hand pump or an automatic, what do you guys think?
aky said:
now that i understand the system, im undecided if i should get a hand pump or an automatic, what do you guys think?

Depends on how much multi-tasking you are doin. You could be filtring one batch while you start the next.
wel i jsu filtered 120ml of deca using the vaccum filttraion hand pump. once i got it set up it took about thirty minutes for the solution to be filtered. now this is using a syringe filter so it was slow. i can do it faster by hand but it was nice to set it up and go do something else for a while and come back and it was done.

i think i will order some of the streicups T spoke of. the 500ml is 20 bucks. he said it took about 2 minutes to do 250ml.

plus they are .22 insted of .45. a little added safety.
How do you go about transferring the final product from the stericup flask to vials? Do you just pour into empty vials or what? Im assuming youd want to do this in a sterile a kitchen a sterile enough place to do this kind of transfer?
draw with a syringe and shoot in to sterile vials. it doesnt have to be a strerile enviroment. just needs to be clean and wind free. make sure all glassware after filter is sterile though.

made a batch of oral Winstrol (winny) with 2% ba and 10% bb with peg 200. i'll let ya know if it holds ok. 100mg/ml.

btw the water Winstrol (winny) at 100mg/ml never seperated. well i went 2 days without shaking it. =0) anyway it stays in a good suspension no prob. no surfractant.

how'd the test ne go doug? you tried it yt?
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Nah i decided not to use the tne in my next cycle. However, if someone wants to fund some research they might be privy to the spoils. Wanna know why I havent tried it anyways???

The damn cost of filters. You're supposed to use two for this to work correct?
i used 1. i see no reason why it wont filter 100ml. its a solution while filtering. get it nice and warm and start pushing. 100ml will require 25ml of peg and 2.5ml of ba in the solution. then you have you bac water seperate. save a couple of ml of the peg to rince filter with.

i filtered 120ml of deca today with one filter.

next time i make the Winstrol (winny) in water i'll make up 100ml cause the 20ml is too much trouble to waste one filter on. but hey i gave one for the team =0)

oh i did use a filter to make bac water but you could go ahead and make up 4 or 500ml with one filter.
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pullinbig said:
oh i did use a filter to make bac water but you could go ahead and make up 4 or 500ml with one filter.
Yea thats what I was referrin to bout the 2 filters. Dont worry ill be getting some supplies soon, ill have some Winstrol (winny), new tne (long story bout the tne I have but to make it afraid to use it) and some other fun shit.

The tren enanthate is still holding fine after 48 hours, its not painful either. :D
you are da man.

i'm gonna order some of those streicups and give it a shot. think il get the 250s cause they on sale for 12 bucks.
pullinbig said:
you are da man.

i'm gonna order some of those streicups and give it a shot. think il get the 250s cause they on sale for 12 bucks.
thats an awesome price for that. Considering you'd need 2 whatmans to do 250ml, $12 for an easier, faster .22 filter setup is fuckin great.