Yes i totally agree. Vermodje is top notch. IMO it is the best european lab by far! On all the russian and eastern european bodybuilding sites, it is spoken highly. I have used many of their products with amazing results. Their primo is much more expensive than all the other UG labs, but that is because it is the real deal, and as we all know, primo is extremely expensive to produce, hence the expensive price.. It has always baffled me the cheap prices most UG labs ask for their PRIMO but i have come to the conclusion that they are selling Equipoise. Also in this thread, how comes the 10+ negative posts are made by people who registered in may and april 2013... seems a bit dodgy to me, some definite smear campaign against them. These negative posts are made by one poster with multiple accounts or a rabble of ill informed, poorly educated, bigoted, shit gobbling, tabloid reading semi-moronic plebeians.