vermodje pharmaceuticals

In my studies on various topics....NOTHING good is made in Africa. Especially Moldava.
Find another international site then and order some goooood Ukrainian & Hungarian shipped Kalpha.

funny when reading about my home country...Moldova is situated in is between Ukraine and Romania...:))) by the way I'm using Vermodje's products...
About what tou are all saying about Vermodje: Does any one here had experienced it personaly or just heard about it ?
About what the the Romanian National Anti Dopping Agency said: Any agency says that about any other steroid product, wheather it is from a UG lab or not.

I don´t understand what is the problem about using the name "naposim". How many brands use the name sustanon, testoviron, winstrol, primobolan! These are all names from pharmacy labs.

3 years ago, vermodje has bought the brand Naposim so currently only Vermodja is producing Naposim...the problem is very competition....All that bullshit that it is written by the "Agency" is crap...this article was written on order...
Yes i totally agree. Vermodje is top notch. IMO it is the best european lab by far! On all the russian and eastern european bodybuilding sites, it is spoken highly. I have used many of their products with amazing results. Their primo is much more expensive than all the other UG labs, but that is because it is the real deal, and as we all know, primo is extremely expensive to produce, hence the expensive price.. It has always baffled me the cheap prices most UG labs ask for their PRIMO but i have come to the conclusion that they are selling Equipoise. Also in this thread, how comes the 10+ negative posts are made by people who registered in may and april 2013... seems a bit dodgy to me, some definite smear campaign against them. These negative posts are made by one poster with multiple accounts or a rabble of ill informed, poorly educated, bigoted, shit gobbling, tabloid reading semi-moronic plebeians.
I agree, vermodje his a top brand, who speaks evil why were not fortunate enough to experience the true vermodje products
maybe i'm suspicious cause it's my first post here, but i registered to say you guys: Vermodje Turinabol is rockin high here...
i knew someone that told me to try it and it's ok.

just try to do the deal with legit people :)
True it is vetinary supplies. It reminds me of the back in the day vet gear from mexico that folks felt privileged to have a source that could supply them with such high quality gear. lol
Like I said they want to make a splash and get those cards and letters coming in. You are safe for now. In a year, its anyone guess. The folks you are referring to are distributors and move what they buy, no matter what. I will say they have improved though. Some buddies I know swear by them and I don't doubt them. My self I stick to human grade though. If it is ug I can do better myself and from the same sources they buy from.

Good luck bro

negative reviews in the last month or so? yes. Seems a bunch of recently registered users are making a negative campaign against Vermodje. I've used Vermodje test and had blood test done. Test levels were the same as what I had using Pfizer test.

No injection pain either.

Some competitor has it out for Vermodje, or source(s) that don't sell it are losing business to sources that do sell it...whatever it is, there's a definite negative smear campaign against Vermodje that is not true.

As CEO mentioned, there are a few new guys who try to submine Vermodje stuffs.I`m not sure if they are speaking the truth, but what can i tell is that Vermodje has a good D-bol and a good Test E.I hate people talking shit, especially those who try to piss on others work.I saw many Vermodje stuff, and i can tell you, they are good to go (on a scale of 1 to 10 they are 8).Try it and you will know if they are good or not.Not listen to a few stupid folks who register on this board and start to do what they do the best : eating s......t.
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Oh and i mention that i`m not suplier or anything like that.i`m sick&tired to read a lot of nonsens from those who never tryed a brand , but they know that are g2g or noooo, it`s bunk.My advice is to limit your comment and dont bla bla to much, speek when you know about something.I`m interested of quality of other stuff from vermodje (i used d-bol ant Test E).Someone else? Users of Vermodje, speak !.We must know the true.Is Vermodje good or not?
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Oh and i mention that i`m not suplier or anything like that.i`m sick&tired to read a lot of nonsens from those who never tryed a brand , but they know that are g2g or noooo, it`s bunk.My advice is to limit your comment and dont bla bla to much, speek when you know about something.I`m interested of quality of other stuff from vermodje (i used d-bol ant Test E).Someone else? Users of Vermodje, speak !.We must know the true.Is Vermodje good or not?

dude, go away.
dude, go away.

Hi my frined.First of all i won`t go away anywhere.And second, i think i was asking a question : It`s good or not Vermodje?that`s what i`m interested for.I dont give a penny what do u say, i`m interested in any feedback of good folks from this board.If U tell me that stuff is good i won`t belive it, but if some1 with good reputation from this board is telling me STAY AWAYFROM THAT STUFF, i will.So all i wanted to know is the answer to my question.Respect to all !
This is interesting because I have experience with some of the items have used there being great. I know I have something that is fake right now though. It's either just oil or something other then what the label says. But I won't be specific untill I have proof. I need to get it tested