Veteran slowly coming back


New member
I have been lurking and digesting as much as possible on the forum for some time and I am amazed at the vast knowledge available and readily shared so helpfully by experts here.

When I stared in 1980 it was the old version of Iron Man owned at that time by Peary Rader for the training and inspiration.

Re: ASS we really had no idea what to do at all and Duchaines little booked helped so much.

My first cycle was at 21 yrs of age and it consisted of 4 weeks of dbol at 20mg per day. Great gains (maybe 5kg) and no sides that I was aware of as blood tests were out of the question.

Anyway 'back in the day etc'.

I may enter a masters (old competition later this year and so currently working around injuries, work etc and family.

It's good to be here and thanks for great information.
I am on TRT 125mg test 1 shot per week.

I was thinking of adding a little flavor to this.

I am on a work contract for three years in a foreign country in a' land far far away' and****** NO SOURCE TALK READ THE BOARD RULES***********

Private blood work also not available (it's a bit third world here).

I also have some dbol 10mg Thai blue.

I have run a few cycles in the past up to 1000mg test and any test over 250mg a week makes my nipples hard and sore, plus I bloat up.

Just would like various opinions on a few safe and secure cycles taking into account lack of AI.

Thanks guys.
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Do you have a doc prescribing the TRT? Not sure I'd want to do much without blood work. Sides can be a bitch, but everyone's different.
How r u going to compete unless you must be coming back home soon hu?
Good luck in the never never land.
Sustanon 250mg/ml
Test Enanthate 250mg/ml
Deca 50mg/ml

Clomid 50mg
Nolvadex 20mg

I was thinking of running a cycle with some of the above.
Welcome to the board
Read up on the stickys and feel free to ask for advice though if you're planning on running a cycle anytime soon I recommend a test only cycle as you have had a long break(I'm assuming from the information in your post)from AAS
But be sure to get your blood work done to help you decide if u will require HRT if u plan on getting back into the game
Thanks for the postings guys. I am apart from the 125 per week of trt training natty at the moment but I will probably start the 1st week in March.

Anytime I have gone over test 250.00 per week it makes my nipples hard and sore, plus I bloat up.
I have no access to blood work as I am stationed in a 3rd world destination maybe until 2020.

I also can get Masteron 100, Tren Hex 100 and Equipoise 250 if needed but I have never done them before.

Was thinking to take 10mg of Nova during cycle along with Simepar and then clomid pct.