Virtus Pharma

I contacted the guy, he sent me 2 bottles of test e and i said to pay later once i saw results to see they were legit. About a month since I got them he asked for the money and that was cool so I paid. He has always been fast to e mail, but ever since i paid for the test e he hasn't e mailed back idk what the deal is.
PS. I have not used the bottles of test e as i am waiting to add to my cycle, but haven't received a e mail back from him
was told the labels were not ready when I ordered so my prop is unlabeled, his orals were only available as liquid so also somewhat skeptical, but my hgh is kigtropin (100iu kit)
does anyone have experience with this?
Ya and the site says it in the description of the product. So are products in I e mailed him if products were in and when I could order and never herd back from him.
Sorry it says at the bottom of the description recommendations to stack the product with. My bottle says virtus pharma USER. Sorry guys i have been making dumb ass mistakes lately I cant wait for this carb depletion to be over
I know they are not related to Lixus or Axio.. i think the guy just went real cheao with their site and copy and pasted a bunch of info and fvcked up and said lixus cause it sounds like virtus

i have used the guy and he is sound, i just wanted to hear from everyone else and see if he was taking care of everyone else.

regarding kigtropin.. it is good stuff.. but not like the human grade stuff you can get.. but HG grade HGH is like 500-600 for a 100iu kit so fvck that

here is a good thread on kigs
Well i was sent 2 vials of test,and im now using them now,on my testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) dosage and so far im liking it,and my blood test is staying in check with my presrcibed pharmacy test,so over all the test is good...but im sorta skeptical about other things though,i never can get a straight answer and a fast reply email back from him,i dodnt know whats up