Vitamins and Supplements on top of Protocol???

Reading the lists in this thread is interesting.

It seems some of you guys are really loading up on the supplements. Some of you are taking everything and the kitchen sink!

I ask because I am not a big supplement guy. I've really found little to no incremental value in most supplements.

The real impact factor for me year after year has been my diet. So I want to hear about some of your diets especially you guys who are using all these supplements. How consistent have you been with your diets and for what time frame?

For reference, the supplements I use are...

1) Multi-vitamin
2) Fish oil
3) Whey protein.
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I honestly have purchased probably every supplement in existence at one point or another and all I really take now is serine, melatonin timed release, and calcium d glucarate with sublingual pregnenolone 20mg twifce a day. And I might throw in a coenzymated b complex (active form of b vitamins). And a multi.
I honestly have purchased probably every supplement in existence at one point or another and all I really take now is serine, melatonin timed release, and calcium d glucarate with sublingual pregnenolone 20mg twifce a day. And I might throw in a coenzymated b complex (active form of b vitamins). And a multi.

What's your diet look like?
My diet sucks. I work and go to school and the free time I have I do not really want to spend cooking. lol That will change soon though as I really am not seeing good things from the white flour junk diet.
My diets spot on. Wife cooks and pre-packages all my meals 3 days worth at a time. Each morning I just grab 5 solid meals worth for 8-5 at work, when I come home I drink a shake hit the gym and when I get home my last solid meal is on a plate ready to eat.

Mostly my diet consists of larger organic chicken breasts, lean beef and every now and then a steak (I eat one red meat meal each day), organic whole grains (long while grain rice mostly with whole grain pasta every now and then for dinner), organic veggies (with a some potatoes as a treat once in a blue moon for dinner), whole grain raw oats (always cooked in water and eaten like that), my one and only "snack meal each day is normally just raw nuts and some fruit or a "health bar".

For a cut I just subtract a little of the carbs and add in 4 days week of fasted low pace 30 min cardio and I slowly cut up. For a lean bulk I ad a little extra rice / the carbs and cut the cardio. I haven't just maintained in awhile but if I was it would be the same as a lean bulk diet with am cardio 3 days or so a week.

My one consistent cheat is black coffee and the "rockstar recovery 10 cal drinks", I find myself drinking 1 of each most work days.

I only cheat meal wise on vacations or family parties which are only a few times a year.

I don't drink, if I do it's a small glass of red wine. But only at family event and normally not even then.
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My diet sucks. I work and go to school and the free time I have I do not really want to spend cooking. lol That will change soon though as I really am not seeing good things from the white flour junk diet.

I'm not singling you out here, but this is what I see a lot. There is a lot of time spent on the supplements while ignoring the foundation of everything - the diet.

It is pretty common in fact. Nine out of ten question I get always are "what supplements are your taking?"

I get that at least once a week from somebody at the gym. I had it Friday in fact. A guy came up to me after my training and asked me if I used "Annihilate" he said he just started using it and it is a "test booster."

Of course I said no but I then asked him about his diet and as expected he had no plan for proper nutrition whatsoever.

That seems to be the mindset I find the most. I call it the give me a "magic pill" syndrome.

The guys around me are looking for the "magic pill" instead of doing what actually works because it requires dedication but it is so easy because there is very little guess work involved.

Pretty simple, garbage in = garbage out.

No supplement will change that.
My diets spot on. Wife cooks and pre-packages all my meals 3 days worth at a time. Each morning I just grab 5 solid meals worth for 8-5 at work, when I come home I drink a shake hit the gym and when I get home my last solid meal is on a plate ready to eat.

Mostly my diet consists of larger organic chicken breasts, lean beef and every now and then a steak (I eat one red meat meal each day), organic whole grains (long while grain rice mostly with whole grain pasta every now and then for dinner), organic veggies (with a some potatoes as a treat once in a blue moon for dinner), whole grain raw oats (always cooked in water and eaten like that), my one and only "snack meal each day is normally just raw nuts and some fruit or a "health bar".

For a cut I just subtract a little of the carbs and add in 4 days week of fasted low pace 30 min cardio and I slowly cut up. For a lean bulk I ad a little extra rice / the carbs and cut the cardio. I haven't just maintained in awhile but if I was it would be the same as a lean bulk diet with am cardio 3 days or so a week.

My one consistent cheat is black coffee and the "rockstar recovery 10 cal drinks", I find myself drinking 1 of each most work days.

I only cheat meal wise on vacations or family parties which are only a few times a year.

I don't drink, if I do it's a small glass of red wine. But only at family event and normally not even then.

The prep work on the front end is the key!

I cook up all my meals at the beginning of every week - just finished a few minutes ago for next week. 13 pounds of baked chicken breast and 15 cups of cooked brown rice all packaged and ready for the week.

It takes about 1 hour every Sunday afternoon. Then I grab and go all week.

Except breakfast, I cook that up each morning with my kids before I go to campus.
Ya it makes it so much easier that and never having ANY junk food/drink in the house.

We got 3 sets of glass Tupperware from Costco, love that stuff. I just grab the meals in the AM and stick in a bag and I'm off.

The prep work on the front end is the key!

I cook up all my meals at the beginning of every week - just finished a few minutes ago for next week. 13 pounds of baked chicken breast and 15 cups of cooked brown rice all packaged and ready for the week.

It takes about 1 hour every Sunday afternoon. Then I grab and go all week.

Except breakfast, I cook that up each morning with my kids before I go to campus.
cashout do you season the chicken at all? I too believe that diet is key and no amount of supplements can make up for a shitty diet.
I season mine (or rather the wife does since I don't cook at all). We do bake them though (I mean she does lol), taste better baked after a defrost. I like adding a "spicy" seasoning or sauce to my chicken (I mean I have her add it). Hahahaha

Adds some cals but go light on amount and if you are setup right for cals anyway (ie never cheat). I LOVE this spinkled on my chicken before I eat it

This is goof on lean beef (cooked with onions and red peppers):
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I season mine (or rather the wife does since I don't cook at all). We do bake them though (I mean she does lol), taste better baked after a defrost. I like adding a "spicy" seasoning or sauce to my chicken (I mean I have her add it). Hahahaha

Same here my wife bakes all of my chicken for me too and we also add a spice/garlic/pepper spinkle to the chicken for extra flavour.

I eat 3-4 big chicken breasts a day, its my main protien source.

Protien intake is...
eggs breakfast
whey shake after workout
rump steak or cottage cheese before bed
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What do you guys think of whole milk? I've read things where they say it makes you fat and others where they say it aids in fat loss. Advice?
What do you guys think of whole milk? I've read things where they say it makes you fat and others where they say it aids in fat loss. Advice?

Way too much unnecessary fat for me.

There are too many equally good sources of quality protein with far less fat.
Does fat not raise testosterone levels and balance out insulin levels? I'm pretty low carb so I need fat to make up some calories.
If I need some extra healthy fat I do a few tbl spoons of evoo Ed. Processed milk is full of hormones etc that you don't want, unless you are buying raw organic milk. Don't do any dairy myself. Other then other then some organic low fat Greek yogart every now and then.
Does fat not raise testosterone levels and balance out insulin levels? I'm pretty low carb so I need fat to make up some calories.

I've never seen any research that suggests fats "raise" test levels.

Some forms of fat are essential for the formation of test but that is a whole different thing than "raising" test levels.

Besides, if one is supplementing test in a Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) program, you are not producing your own test to begin with.