Vitamins and Supplements on top of Protocol???

Immediate goal is to lose fat, but I'm thinking if I focus on gaining muscle first it will be easier to take the fat off, and who knows I may lose fat along the way with the extra muscle burning some calories
almost 24 , 5'10" 200lbs. I'm thinking some is water weight (im giving prop a go when it comes time to place another maximus order) - I'm actually waiting on my first blood test results since starting with Maximus, so maybe something will be revealed there (high e2 or something). I will post my results for you guys once I get them.

I'm going to start the bill starr 5x5 after new years with 15 min HIIT 3-4 times a week
almost 24 , 5'10" 200lbs. I'm thinking some is water weight (im giving prop a go when it comes time to place another maximus order) - I'm actually waiting on my first blood test results since starting with Maximus, so maybe something will be revealed there (high e2 or something). I will post my results for you guys once I get them.

I'm going to start the bill starr 5x5 after new years with 15 min HIIT 3-4 times a week

Any guess at bodyfat %?

If you were going to undertake a "cut" I would recommend a little different style of training that the 5X5 simply because it is focused on pushing poundages and if you are cutting you will likely see some strength loss due to calorie restriction. That seems to mess with guy's heads - they go in the gym and can't hit their weight benchmarks and it gets to them for some reason.
Prob about 16-20 percent but I have no real idea. At any rate, milk is a good way to get your calories in if you cant get them in any other way. Half a gallon of whole milk is 1200 calories, add some whey to a couple of those glasses and you're getting close to your total for the day. Milk is very convenient, that's more the reason I was asking if it would hurt to add whole milk to the equation
I always lift heavy on a cut to maintain mass, cut carbs and so cals and add morning 130-150bpm fasted cardio (30-35min x 4-5 days wk). Have one planned for March-Feb as I'm just finishing 8 months of lean bulking (will be 9 by the time I start cut) I'm currency ~250lb PM and 245lb AM (up in mass slowly with very little fat gain still have decent abs when flexed). Prior to this bulk I cut down to the leanest I've ever been at 220lb and that's the way to go, start out lean lean lean then lean bulk slowly. A dirty bulk won't get you more lean muscle mass much faster but it will get you a ton of dirty fat. Getting enough Cals should NOT be problem with the 6-7 solid organic lean healthy meals a day you should be eating, in fact on a cut you'll really have to watch every single cal as they all count.
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It's not the fat in milk you have to worry about it's the sugar ! Even skim milk is loaded with sugar... Something like 12g per cup. If your bulking fine but in no way should milk be in a cut diet.. Personally I wouldn't use it in a bulk diet either.
I've heard that the fat in whole milk kind of counteracts the sugar in the milk (slows absorption therefore making the spike in insulin not as dramatic) , right or wrong, I'm not sure. Either way, doesn't the basic principle of calorie deficit still apply? I mean, if you're maintenance is 2500 calories and you're drinking 2000 calories of milk, you should still lose weight shouldn't you?
haha it works out pretty decently actually. Add some whey to a couple of the glasses of milk and it'd be a pretty good macro split. i love milk about as much as I love titties so I'm fighting for it damnit! haha
Personally I think it won't work, if it does not well by any stretch. Do it right (6-7 solid macro calculated cooked meals a day) or not at all. The amount of effort in the diet + training = amount of results. With the diet being as or more important then the actual training IMO

If you can't do yourself talk to that guy on here that does diet planning (AJ??). Probably well worth the money for many guys.
Wolf, are you trying to justify the milk?

It seems you are dead set on making a case to include it in your diet.

Bottom line is there are way too many better choices than whole milk to include in your diet.

Get yourself a simple cutter in place. Get lean and build from there.

People always over complicate the whole diet thing. It is not that hard. You know what the right choices are you just have to act accordingly and not base you nutrition on your taste preferences.

Cashout is that you in your Avatar? If so, that is honestly the physique I strive for. I may not ever get to where you are but hopefully I will come close. (If it's not you then you can stop reading now).

How long did it take you to get to where you are? Can you give a brief rundown of your history with bodybuilding? Years of strict dieting? I trust those who have the physique to back up their words. Thanks.
When I eat I usually eat 2-4k calories at a time. I cannot see myself eating 6-7 times a day. lol I don't even have time to do that. I mean that is like at least 2 hours of eating, probably more like 3. 30 minutes per meal and that is 3-3.5 hrs of eating everyday. lol
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Takes me less then 10min to eat each meal most days, normally eat a lot at my desk (don't take a lunch just my meals while working). Works out good. Eat breakfast often cold (raw oats pre cooked in water), early lunch (cup lean beef warm), lunch (chicken breast, whole grain and veg warm), mid day snack (apple and nuts), late lunch (chicken breast whole grain and vsg) at desk. At home meals: Shake in the Am upon waking, shake pre workout, full meal (chicken breast whole grain and veg) post workout and egg shake pre bed. I add evoo (raw) when I need more fat/cals.

No other snack, no suger, no junk and no drinking.

It's called discipline and pre planning/preparing. Shoot when I switch jobs I tell them I'm a diet controled diabetic type 2 (not totally true although I am a bit hypo) ad that I'll need to eat a lot a my desk, it's never been an issue.
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Cashout is that you in your Avatar? If so, that is honestly the physique I strive for. I may not ever get to where you are but hopefully I will come close. (If it's not you then you can stop reading now).

How long did it take you to get to where you are? Can you give a brief rundown of your history with bodybuilding? Years of strict dieting? I trust those who have the physique to back up their words. Thanks.

Yes that is me. Thanks for the complement. I have been doing this for 26 years now.

I started bodybuilding when I was 15 years old. Competed and won my weight class in my state show at 19. Won my weight class in the Collegiate Nationals at 20, and came in 3rd in my weight class at the Nationals at 21 years old. I quit competing after that but I never quit the lifestyle. I knew competing was not going to be a part of my successful future. At that time, I had just finished my undergrad with a 4.0 and was on track in my professional career. I knew I was heading toward a PhD and a career as a professor at a university. That is what I want to do so I eliminated competing from the equation because it was not something that was going to take me closer to my goal.

People never believe me when I state this next fact but it is 100% God's honest truth - in 26 years I've never cheated or broke my diet. Never. I didn't even eat a piece of cake at my own wedding.

Folks always tell me that they want to "get to where I am" and I always tell them "Why set your bar so low, you can do better me."

That is also a fact. Most people can do it and be better. Over the years, I've notice most people actually have better genetics than I do. It really requires of them two things - WILL and COMMITMENT. Together those things form discipline. That is all I have.

All vitamins and supplements is good for health.
Yes, definitely vitamins and supplements on top of protocol . Because a lot of benefit for use to all vitamins and supplements . But you have carefully take Because too much use product not to good .