walk away or try and make it work...relationship

Can you trust her? Can you carry on a good conversation with her? Do you miss her when she's not there? If you have a bad day is she the only thing that will make you feel better? Does she support you with all your passions and goals? Is she proud of everything that you are?

For me, trust is the most vital characteristic. After being badly burned by a girl that played me, I will never get close to someone that I see a single red flag with. Ask yourself these questions and if the answer to all of them is yes, then stay and try to get over your doubts...just surrender.
After a debate we had in a thread a while back I decided not to get into lengthy 'discussions' with you. You're 25? You really don't have as much real life experience as you think and you over generalise too much. People have pasts and make memories, learn from mistakes or whatever. You cannot judge people because you don't know what drives them. I sometimes go out with my friend and we'll go to a bar and I dance my ass off and go home. You can't judge me just because I'm in a bar enjoying myself, I don't even drink when I go out because I can enjoy myself sober. But you'd tar me with the same brush going by your comments. Never assume because you just make an ass out of yourself. Unless you have FULL facts you cannot make statements like that about women.

Choose your words more carefully because you seriously lack a few conversational skills! Out of curiosity are you from an Arabic country or something?

Your right, I apologize for the generalized statement. But the easy comment came from being on and off college campuses for the last 5 years of my life. Admittedly its generated a tainted view in my eyes of the average girl in certain scenarios. You may be an exception, this girl he is with may be an exception. But I am a raw data kinda guy. 5 men beat 1 man in a fight basically, even though its possible 1 man could beat 5 and other factors come in such as weapons and situation etc. But the raw data is 5 will win in a normal scenario. Girls who go to bars at least every weekend, have issues. Guys who go to bars every weekend, know this and go to bars for that reason lol.

I would say going out every weekend spells doom for any relationship. I know some happily married couples, and I know the trouble couples or girls and guys who never seem the get it right. There are some pretty strict "Generalizations" that show up. Kind of like if you look at a prison census report, but of course we cant talk about statistics because...well...you know talking about statistics always makes you racist, or sexist, or something.

BTW saying you love someone after 3 months is pretty much a good thing. If by that point you don't love them...there are issues.

Its nothing against women, I hate humans in general :) We just happen to be on the subject of party girls to my understanding. I made the easy comment mostly because I see quite a few ladies who are in relationships who cheat when they are "out partying". Even seem some scum bag POS husbands and wives cheat. Which in my books, we should hang em from a street light in front of heavy semi-truck traffic.

One of the most brilliant women I know, who has been married for about 12 years and has a great family simply told me once. "You never have issues, if you never place yourself in a position for issues to develop".

But today in a liberalized society that is not the norm...

Like I said to each their own, and its my opinion. But I don't date a girl who parties...and honestly probably wont date one who "Partied" in her younger days. Thats me, there are plenty of women who don't walk that path out there with a lil more dignity and alot less mileage.

Guys like me get tired of helping their friends out who date girls like that...after they give them a STD, or get preggo and then leave and rape em for child support, or get their heart caught up then rip it apart, screw dudes in the very house of the guy they are living with, etc,etc,etc.

I have not been wrong yet in my real world advise to friends, sometimes all the way to the the period of my predictions. Such as me warning a buddy his girl was NOT taking her birth control because she wanted to trap him because she felt they were drifting apart...BAM, hello smaller paychecks. Or warning a buddy his girl is cheating, going to leave him, and he should not have got an SUV so they could drive their kids around(They each had one)...BAM, now he owes me money from me bailing his @ss out because his tools almost got repo'd for work, he has no cell, and a junk car because that SUV got repo'd...

And advice I give to girls too about the guys they date, similar situations happen..Especially when they choose white trash. But eh, I adapted a "I don't give a fk" anymore attitude. Dump people are dump people who cant see the writing on the walls.

Take it or leave it, you can be offended at the comment I made about girls...but its kept me on a road where I am climbing to the top, while many around me have gotten tied down by baggage.
After a debate we had in a thread a while back I decided not to get into lengthy 'discussions' with you. You're 25? You really don't have as much real life experience as you think and you over generalise too much. People have pasts and make memories, learn from mistakes or whatever. You cannot judge people because you don't know what drives them. I sometimes go out with my friend and we'll go to a bar and I dance my ass off and go home. You can't judge me just because I'm in a bar enjoying myself, I don't even drink when I go out because I can enjoy myself sober. But you'd tar me with the same brush going by your comments. Never assume because you just make an ass out of yourself. Unless you have FULL facts you cannot make statements like that about women.

Choose your words more carefully because you seriously lack a few conversational skills! Out of curiosity are you from an Arabic country or something?

White American...last girlfriend was black, one of my two best friends is Hispanic, and another best friend is a girl who agrees. If anything I care not of someones sex, race, or age in a personal level. But on a logical level, the world is one giant spiderweb and a vibration made at one point in time has an effect at another point in time...

I got into my leadership positions over people due to my conversational skills...One thing you have to remember, is this is a forum. Hard cold black words on a white background. You cant see smiles, shoulder gestures, or detect hints of sarcasm. In person I can say this exact same argument and it will probably come across a thousand times better. Usually because as the other person reacts I can(like I said since I deeply analyze people) steer and reply with the appropriate tone and response to keep them cool headed and in an information receiving state. You seen the first line I stated, and from that point on wrote off anything else I said. Am I not right? I train people all the time where I work, and get them up to speed. I have the A-Team where I work...also because I generalize and will drop someone 1 day in if they do not show what I desire. Have you ever been in a managers position, or been a leadership position in the military(Say Bay commander for 100 idiotic young men)? Once you get there, you learn two things. Generalizations are effective, as well as exceptions to those generalizations always exist.

If cops pulled over people they suspect of being illegal immigrants, would it not be effective to generalize that they would probably look...like immigrants? Instead of some white or black guy dressed in business wear?

And to be honest I would not label you if you mean what you just said. Lets take the bar I was at last night(Sober). My buddy left to go home with some random girl(Disgusting one too). My other buddy stayed and drank some long islands just chilling. Out of maybe 60 girls, I would say about 6 of them honestly came off as intelligent and self controlled. And two of them were dancing and having fun but you could tell them apart.

Its the eyes Detour, and the facial expression, as well as the body language...you can read so much and when people are drunk they lose the ability to hide the truths inside as well as normal. I see so many hollow eyed women, seeking to simply to forget reality for a night...every night. Some only do it on weekends, some only once a month. But it really all boils down to whats in their mind, their desired actions and outcomes. When your sober you can watch someone and see alot. Then when you see them two or three times over a month or two you learn patterns, and you realize. Ah, she doesn't go home with no one. Or, oh she sleeps with whatever is left hanging around at 2am.

Yes I generalize, but I never apply it directly to someone until their actions place them in that category. Does it have black and white stripes, hooves, and run in a herd of its own kind grazing? Its probably a Zebra...Could be something else, but until found otherwise in my eyes its a zebra.

I respect you Detour, I do. And to be honest due to the fact this is all typed data, it probably does not come across as accurately as it would in person. Sadly though, I for the most care don't care anymore as I have written off the internet as one of the major problems with people today lol.

Similar to my "Bomb em flat until nothing is left and get it over with" dry kinda sarcasm that took people at work awhile to get used to. Would I hurt someone, or allow someone who hurts a child to get away with it? Probably not. But I will state what is the raw most effective option. Even if I would never do it.

The past is never meant to be forgotten, thats why America is dieing. I am the kind of guy that thinks once a person gets caught cheating once married there should be jail time and their drivers license for the rest of their life should have a marking on it that shows they had committed adultery. That way its impossible to hide from the past.

You said one cannot judge people if you do not know what drives them. I am saying, its easy to see what drives them. Everyone is in some form or another a machine, robotic in some aspects as to their nature. You put in certain data, you get certain feed back. On a basic level this is how we interact as humans. You treat someone kindly, expect the output form them to mimic your input. Sometimes that doesn't happen as we all know. But it becomes more advanced. You can stop and break down every action and a serious of actions and come up with a matrix that pretty much lays out a persons mind, intentions, and desires. There are words that mean certain things, looks that reveal truths, so on and so forth and the longer you do it, the more you correct errors in your calculations and the more accurate it becomes. I was a big people watch when I was young, now I apply what I learned from people...to great effect. Its damn near as simple as ordering from a vending machine sometimes. Kinda like learning a really advanced sales pitch and applying it to daily interactions.
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I read the first line but then.. Lol I didn't read the rest. I think we're like oil and water...

No hard feelings, just have to agree to disagree about, basically almost everything ;)

White American...last girlfriend was black, one of my two best friends is Hispanic, and another best friend is a girl who agrees. If anything I care not of someones sex, race, or age in a personal level. But on a logical level, the world is one giant spiderweb and a vibration made at one point in time has an effect at another point in time...

I got into my leadership positions over people due to my conversational skills...One thing you have to remember, is this is a forum. Hard cold black words on a white background. You cant see smiles, shoulder gestures, or detect hints of sarcasm. In person I can say this exact same argument and it will probably come across a thousand times better. Usually because as the other person reacts I can(like I said since I deeply analyze people) steer and reply with the appropriate tone and response to keep them cool headed and in an information receiving state. You seen the first line I stated, and from that point on wrote off anything else I said. Am I not right? I train people all the time where I work, and get them up to speed. I have the A-Team where I work...also because I generalize and will drop someone 1 day in if they do not show what I desire. Have you ever been in a managers position, or been a leadership position in the military(Say Bay commander for 100 idiotic young men)? Once you get there, you learn two things. Generalizations are effective, as well as exceptions to those generalizations always exist.

If cops pulled over people they suspect of being illegal immigrants, would it not be effective to generalize that they would probably look...like immigrants? Instead of some white or black guy dressed in business wear?

And to be honest I would not label you if you mean what you just said. Lets take the bar I was at last night(Sober). My buddy left to go home with some random girl(Disgusting one too). My other buddy stayed and drank some long islands just chilling. Out of maybe 60 girls, I would say about 6 of them honestly came off as intelligent and self controlled. And two of them were dancing and having fun but you could tell them apart.

Its the eyes Detour, and the facial expression, as well as the body language...you can read so much and when people are drunk they lose the ability to hide the truths inside as well as normal. I see so many hollow eyed women, seeking to simply to forget reality for a night...every night. Some only do it on weekends, some only once a month. But it really all boils down to whats in their mind, their desired actions and outcomes. When your sober you can watch someone and see alot. Then when you see them two or three times over a month or two you learn patterns, and you realize. Ah, she doesn't go home with no one. Or, oh she sleeps with whatever is left hanging around at 2am.

Yes I generalize, but I never apply it directly to someone until their actions place them in that category. Does it have black and white stripes, hooves, and run in a herd of its own kind grazing? Its probably a Zebra...Could be something else, but until found otherwise in my eyes its a zebra.

I respect you Detour, I do. And to be honest due to the fact this is all typed data, it probably does not come across as accurately as it would in person. Sadly though, I for the most care don't care anymore as I have written off the internet as one of the major problems with people today lol.

Similar to my "Bomb em flat until nothing is left and get it over with" dry kinda sarcasm that took people at work awhile to get used to. Would I hurt someone, or allow someone who hurts a child to get away with it? Probably not. But I will state what is the raw most effective option. Even if I would never do it.

The past is never meant to be forgotten, thats why America is dieing. I am the kind of guy that thinks once a person gets caught cheating once married there should be jail time and their drivers license for the rest of their life should have a marking on it that shows they had committed adultery. That way its impossible to hide from the past.

You said one cannot judge people if you do not know what drives them. I am saying, its easy to see what drives them. Everyone is in some form or another a machine, robotic in some aspects as to their nature. You put in certain data, you get certain feed back. On a basic level this is how we interact as humans. You treat someone kindly, expect the output form them to mimic your input. Sometimes that doesn't happen as we all know. But it becomes more advanced. You can stop and break down every action and a serious of actions and come up with a matrix that pretty much lays out a persons mind, intentions, and desires. There are words that mean certain things, looks that reveal truths, so on and so forth and the longer you do it, the more you correct errors in your calculations and the more accurate it becomes. I was a big people watch when I was young, now I apply what I learned from people...to great effect. Its damn near as simple as ordering from a vending machine sometimes. Kinda like learning a really advanced sales pitch and applying it to daily interactions.
I read the first line but then.. Lol I didn't read the rest. I think we're like oil and water...

No hard feelings, just have to agree to disagree about, basically almost everything ;)

White American...last girlfriend was black, one of my two best friends is Hispanic, and another best friend is a girl who agrees. If anything I care not of someones sex, race, or age in a personal level. But on a logical level, the world is one giant spiderweb and a vibration made at one point in time has an effect at another point in time...

I got into my leadership positions over people due to my conversational skills...One thing you have to remember, is this is a forum. Hard cold black words on a white background. You cant see smiles, shoulder gestures, or detect hints of sarcasm. In person I can say this exact same argument and it will probably come across a thousand times better. Usually because as the other person reacts I can(like I said since I deeply analyze people) steer and reply with the appropriate tone and response to keep them cool headed and in an information receiving state. You seen the first line I stated, and from that point on wrote off anything else I said. Am I not right? I train people all the time where I work, and get them up to speed. I have the A-Team where I work...also because I generalize and will drop someone 1 day in if they do not show what I desire. Have you ever been in a managers position, or been a leadership position in the military(Say Bay commander for 100 idiotic young men)? Once you get there, you learn two things. Generalizations are effective, as well as exceptions to those generalizations always exist.

If cops pulled over people they suspect of being illegal immigrants, would it not be effective to generalize that they would probably look...like immigrants? Instead of some white or black guy dressed in business wear?

And to be honest I would not label you if you mean what you just said. Lets take the bar I was at last night(Sober). My buddy left to go home with some random girl(Disgusting one too). My other buddy stayed and drank some long islands just chilling. Out of maybe 60 girls, I would say about 6 of them honestly came off as intelligent and self controlled. And two of them were dancing and having fun but you could tell them apart.

Its the eyes Detour, and the facial expression, as well as the body language...you can read so much and when people are drunk they lose the ability to hide the truths inside as well as normal. I see so many hollow eyed women, seeking to simply to forget reality for a night...every night. Some only do it on weekends, some only once a month. But it really all boils down to whats in their mind, their desired actions and outcomes. When your sober you can watch someone and see alot. Then when you see them two or three times over a month or two you learn patterns, and you realize. Ah, she doesn't go home with no one. Or, oh she sleeps with whatever is left hanging around at 2am.

Yes I generalize, but I never apply it directly to someone until their actions place them in that category. Does it have black and white stripes, hooves, and run in a herd of its own kind grazing? Its probably a Zebra...Could be something else, but until found otherwise in my eyes its a zebra.

I respect you Detour, I do. And to be honest due to the fact this is all typed data, it probably does not come across as accurately as it would in person. Sadly though, I for the most care don't care anymore as I have written off the internet as one of the major problems with people today lol.

Similar to my "Bomb em flat until nothing is left and get it over with" dry kinda sarcasm that took people at work awhile to get used to. Would I hurt someone, or allow someone who hurts a child to get away with it? Probably not. But I will state what is the raw most effective option. Even if I would never do it.

The past is never meant to be forgotten, thats why America is dieing. I am the kind of guy that thinks once a person gets caught cheating once married there should be jail time and their drivers license for the rest of their life should have a marking on it that shows they had committed adultery. That way its impossible to hide from the past.

You said one cannot judge people if you do not know what drives them. I am saying, its easy to see what drives them. Everyone is in some form or another a machine, robotic in some aspects as to their nature. You put in certain data, you get certain feed back. On a basic level this is how we interact as humans. You treat someone kindly, expect the output form them to mimic your input. Sometimes that doesn't happen as we all know. But it becomes more advanced. You can stop and break down every action and a serious of actions and come up with a matrix that pretty much lays out a persons mind, intentions, and desires. There are words that mean certain things, looks that reveal truths, so on and so forth and the longer you do it, the more you correct errors in your calculations and the more accurate it becomes. I was a big people watch when I was young, now I apply what I learned from people...to great effect. Its damn near as simple as ordering from a vending machine sometimes. Kinda like learning a really advanced sales pitch and applying it to daily interactions.