wanna some advice about cutting cycle


New member
hi guys,
first i wanna thank u all in this site for ur help in teaching ppl how 2 get big , i really learned a lot about steroids from this site,
i dunno if there is any guys else here from egypt , but i really wanna learn more about steroids , im n my cutting cycle now , im using t3 as folllow :
week 1: 50 mcg e/d
week 2 : 100 mcg e/d
week 3 : 150 mcg e/d
week 4 : 200 mcg e/d
week 5 :200 mcg e/d
week 6 : 150 mcg e/d
week 7 : 100 mcg e/d
week 8 : 50 mcg e/d
i wanna add 500 mg sustanon /week too keep muscle gains ,
i know my intake of t3 might b high in dose but in egypt we only have
50 mcg & 100 mcg , also im really fat (176 cm ,115 kg) , i wanna lose about 20 kg of bf
i wanna some advice about my upcoming cycle guys.
thanks guys.
bob :confused:
Welcome to the board bro...why not get Test Cyp or Prop and lots of cardio and low carb diet......

Is this your first cycle?
here in egypt we dont get prop or cyp easily , bside its expensive , also i wanna get ripped quick ,for that i think about t3 , so is it good or what bro ?
I have used t3 with 500mg of sust and some Winstrol (winny) a week for about 6 weeks and I lost 20 lbs. I also did an hour of cardio every day and had a strict diet. IMO t3 is useful in getting the ripped look. what about adding some Winstrol (winny) with the t3 and Sustanon (sust). It will make you lose more weight and make you look veiny..
Good luck and welcome.