wanna some advice about my diet


New member
hi bor's
im proud to b a member in this great site which help me alot to understand about steroid world
im gonna starrting my diet tomorrow and wanna hear openions about it :
clen 20 mcg / d thats for a month
hydroxy cut :
first week :1 cap twice / d
second & beyond :2 caps twice / d
im not planning to take any steroids with it
i ll train once daily as follow :
day 1 : chest + delts + biceps + quads
day 2 : back + rear delts + triceps + hams
abs will b daily + i'll take one day weekly as a rest day
plz give me advices about my diet
thanx bro's
your gonna overtrain way too much... separate your major parts to have their own days...like chest by itself, as well as Back, and legs...
but if you want to combine things...don't do more than 2 muscles...for example you can do
day 1 Chest/bi's
day 2 shoulders/rear delts with em...
day 3 rest
day 4 Back/tri's
day 5 legs
day 6 rest
day 7 Repeat
you can switch it up, just IMO, don't have a secondary muscle be sore when your gonna use it... like don't do chest if your tri's are sore...JMO